
business 101

1. One solution I would do is to put him on a team where he would be more reliable for others and then he would hopefully change his ways since he has more people to take care of. Another solution I would bring forth would be to put him as a leader and give him […]

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please help with my art assignment

    Unit 5 Individual Project Deliverable Length: Total:1200-1500 word critical essay Details: This week you are adding the last two bullet points, which are highlighted in bold below, to the paper you started in Unit 4. Make any changes applicable to the Unit 4 Individual Project portion and submit your final essay. You will turn in a […]

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accouting hw

I NEED THIS SOON   DONT BID too highI want answer step by Step    XYZ is a calendar-year corporation that began business on January 1, 2012. For 2012, it reported the following information in its current year audited income statement. Notes with important tax information are provided below. XYZ corp. Income statement Book For […]

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process of researching consumer behavior – hospitality marketing discussion

  How might the process of researching consumer behavior lead one to the idea of offering clothing-optional cruises? What factors might have been examined and what data might have been uncovered to support the viability of such an offering? Share the results of the word-of-mouth exercise (in red section at the end) : What were […]

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Summary assignment

I have no time to do this i didnt even read what my proffesor want im just gonna attached a file that u could read .     Summary Assignment Length: 200-300 words long and a works-cited page Gist Statements due: Percentage of final grade: 100 points (10%) Final draft due: Assignment Write a coherent, unified, […]

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If you were marketing the boutique hotel, which distribution channels would you emphasize and why? Are there channels other than those discussed that you would take advantage of? If so, what are they and what are their advantages? around 200 words-300 words minimum. Cite references if used.   HAS TO BE IN BY THEN – […]

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15. Dalisha owns a home, but decided to live with her mother and rent her house for some extra money. She began renting the house on January 3rd and rented it out the entire year for $350 per month. During the year, she had to pay $450 for repairs on th

1.       Dalisha owns a home, but decided to live with her mother and rent her house for some extra money.  She began renting the house on January 3rd and rented it out the entire year for $350 per month.  During the year, she had to pay $450 for repairs on the house and $920 for […]

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english home work help.

can anyone do this for me ? Quotations and Paraphrases 1 . Find a line to quote from the following paragraph. Write out your quotation. Include appropriate attributive tags and page numbers. If the American dream is to come true and to abide with us, it will, at bottom, depend on the people themselves. If […]

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Operation Management Principles:I need 700 detailed words & info added to the assignment I have

  You are a consultant for the ABC consulting group. Your firm has been contacted by a XYZ Venture Capital Group, which is seeking a consulting outfit to give advice on where (which companies) it might make a significant investment. XYZ has no preference for investing in the service or manufacturing sector but does believe […]

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MBA project

need literature review by tomrrow,and ppt outline by 2.11 about topic title, supervisors name, importance of the topic,  background information and related literature, research design ( Watch Out for Pro Forma Pro forma reporting, in which companies provide investors a choice in reported income numbers, is popular among companies in the S&P 500. For example, in 2008–2009, in addition to income measured according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), nearly 50 percent […]

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