
business 101

1 – a system of exchange in which goods or services are traded directly for other goods and/or services without using money 2. 2 – the quantity of a product that producers are willing to sell at each of various prices 3. 3 – the shares of ownership of a corporation 4. 4 – a […]

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Write whatever strikes you, anything of interest that relates to this passage

Please write anything that relates to this passage. It must be at least 1000 words. Whatever strikes you about the passage.    It is due at 8pm. It is extremely important. Plato The Republic BOOK VII: ON SHADOWS AND REALITIES IN EDUCATION (SOCRATES, GLAUCON.) AND now, I said, let me show in a figure how […]

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Beats produces many models of headphones in its product line. If profits on the Wireless Headphone model increase, would this…

dspapers13 5 xquestion5.pptx Beats produces many models of headphones in its product line. If profits on the Wireless Headphone model increase, would this be reflected as a change in demand or a change in supply in the market for the Studio Headphones model, ceteris paribus? Explain. Be sure to clearly identify a textbook variable or […]

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This is an exercise that explores the concept of participative management, how to implement it (and how not to!!), and what needs to be done to make it successful. Read about this on pages 70-86 in the textbook. Objective: This exercise asks you to analyze what happened when a plant manager tried to apply the […]

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Listed below are nine technical accounting terms:    Unrecorded revenue    Adjusting entries   Accrued expenses   Book value   Matching principle   Accumulated depreciation   Unearned revenue   Materiality   Prepaid expenses Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer “None” if the statement […]

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Managerial Economics Ch3 AQ

Additional problems for chapter 3 1. A firm’s estimated demand curve is given by the following equation: (a) Based on the estimated demand curve, write the equations for: (i) Total revenue (ii) Average revenue (iii) Marginal Revenue (b) Calculate the point price elasticity of demand when Q=1600. Is the demand elastic or inelastic at this […]

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Problem of the globalization of Information Technology

     Type of paper: Report   The scenario is: You are working for an American international company as a manager in China office. And you are going to have a video conference with the CEO who is in the headquarter(San Francisco). The purpose of this meeting is to present to your CEO: you are facing […]

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information technology

The assignment for this week required you to start building your Job e-Portfolio.  You reviewed your collection and so far selected two (2) best classroom activities/projects. Prepare a write up for your two (2) best projects.  Your response must contain the Course Name, Project Name and reflection for each.  The reflection must be written in […]

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government discussion question due next week on friday night

Hello student demographer/economists…welcome to a rather sharp turn in our road (maybe a welcome one, after all that data stuff) We are now turning down a path that is equal parts legal theory & principle; constitutional history & culture, with current politics & policy issues folded in. What a recipe. Welcome to Texas government… let’s […]

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government homework Due tonight 11 pm central time discussion questions

In addition to familiarity with economic concepts, data, tool, the student of government (and the thing itself) relies immensely on demographics. The people, the community, county, what have you. In economic usage, people and populations are both consumers, and the labor force. It’s all part of that big multi-ingredient stew called Texas, or the US […]

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