

Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis for your proposed business.   Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should take into account, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table.    ·       External forces […]

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Week 5

Chapter Eight Problems Please complete the following 5 exercises below in either Excel or a word document (but must be single document). You must show your work where appropriate (leaving the calculations within Excel cells is acceptable). Save the document, and submit it in the appropriate week using the Assignment Submission button. Chapter 8 Exercise […]

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Week 4

Chapter 6 and 7 Problems Please complete the following 8 exercises below in either Excel or a word document (but must be single document). You must show your work where appropriate (leaving the calculations within Excel cells is acceptable). Save the document, and submit it in the appropriate week using the Assignment Submission button. Chapter […]

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Accounting 206 Wk3

Chapter4 and 5 Problems Please complete the following 7 exercises below in either Excel or a word document (but must be single document). You must show your work where appropriate (leaving the calculations within Excel cells is acceptable). Save the document, and submit it in the appropriate week using the Assignment Submission button. Chapter 4 […]

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1. Which number below best represents feet above sea level? A. B. C. D. 2. Over the past month, a hairstylist has had 56 female clients and 24 male clients. What is the ratio of male clients to female clients for this hairstylist? A. 3:10 B. 3:7 C. 7:10 D. 7:3 3. Feet Yards ? […]

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short answers

1.The Bible is a compliation of Hebrew history and culture. It is divided into five categories. However, the three most important are the (1)the law,(2)the Prophets, and(3)the writings. Using the above categories identify and list the subject matter for each area. (for this QA, need you to have two different answers two answers in one […]

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Accounting 14

Please complete tabs P-27-7A,, 27-6A (a,b,c,d statements tab). I need those completed by Wed. afternoon. I can only pay $15.00. E27-A Exercise 27-2A Name: Enter the appropriate numbers/formulas in the shaded (gray) cells. An asterisk (*) will appear in the column to the right of an incorrect answer. Tomas Company Schedule of Cost of Goods […]

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Do you believe that there is a conflict between these two positions? How may such a conflict be balanced

Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights that are protected under the U.S. constitution. Commonly, defenses of these rights are grounded in appeals to autonomy (in order to act autonomously we must have the freedom to express ourselves). Thus, restrictions on our freedom of expression correlate to restrictions on our autonomy. However, several authors in […]

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a.what is the break even volume in dollars for selling drinks at booth? b. how many of each item would you expect to sell at break even point?

as a manager of a drink booth, you estimate labor costs to be $300 (2 ppl, $150 per day). even if nothing is sold. another fixed cost is the rental of the booth for $200 a day. items               price per unit        variable cost per unit […]

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Topic is Leadership

DETAILS: Topic is Leadership 1. Using the same topic you selected from week one, and utilizing a similar research strategy in the online library, find a journal article that presents qualitative scholarly research associated with your topic. Remember that scholarly research involves solving problems. If your article does not use qualitative methodology then you do not […]

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