The most essential, yet problematic, element for IT professionals is communication. The most effective IT executives are those who can communicate technological solutions to a non-technical audience. Writing a technical paper is a great thing, but it’s of little value to those who do the funding. For this assignment, create PowerPoint (PPT) presentations for Deliverables […]
CS 480 OPERATING SYSTEMSAssignment 02 Due: Beginning of the class, Mar 1st You must work on this assignment on you own Part II Programming β Thread communication (70 points) Threads share the same process address space and other resources like opened files etc. This assignment is designed for you to exercise the use of POSIX […]
Lab 1 β Installing Linux in a VM and Setting1. Download Virtual Box (2 points) a. To download VirtualBox, go to b. Click the download button to download VirtualBox so that you are redirected to the webpage with different types of VirtualBox software supported by the operating system of your computer c. Download the […]
Thisweek we will work with classes by creating a virtual garage. Your program will use the inheritance diagram from this week in order to create a parent class and two child classes. Your program will prompt the user to create at least one object of each type (Car and Pickup). Using a menu system and […]
Page 1 of 3IT-230 Final Project Part 1 – GUI Proposal (100 Points – 15% of Your Grade) Due Date: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2022 before 11:59 PM Tasks: Research, design and build a complete Java Graphical Interface for a simple Java Application of your choice for collecting and processing its data. Requirements: You must develop […]
All the requirements are attached Eight Puzzle For your first project, you will develop the 8-puzzle game using JavaScript. To turn in this assignment, you are to complete the same process you followed with previous assignments. Then please develop all of your code within the repository. Commit and push your code frequently to make sure […]
“Symbol”,”Name”,”LastSale”,”MarketCap”,”IPOyear”,”Sector”,”industry”,”Summary Quote”,”PIH”,”1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc.”,”6.1841″,”$37.27M”,”2014″,”Finance”,”Property-Casualty Insurers”,””, “FLWS”,”1-800 FLOWERS.COM, Inc.”,”9.27″,”$606.56M”,”1999″,”Consumer Services”,”Other Specialty Stores”,””, “FCCY”,”1st Constitution Bancorp (NJ)”,”12.8027″,”$101.82M”,”n/a”,”Finance”,”Savings Institutions”,””, “SRCE”,”1st Source Corporation”,”34.85″,”$901.46M”,”n/a”,”Finance”,”Major Banks”,””, “VNET”,”21Vianet Group, Inc.”,”9″,”$1.02B”,”2011″,”Technology”,”Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing”,””, “TWOU”,”2U, Inc.”,”35.35″,”$1.66B”,”2014″,”Technology”,”Computer Software: Prepackaged Software”,””, “JOBS”,”51job, Inc.”,”33.58″,”$2B”,”2004″,”Technology”,”Diversified Commercial Services”,””, “CAFD”,”8point3 Energy Partners LP”,”15.67″,”$1.11B”,”2015″,”Public Utilities”,”Electric Utilities: Central”,””, “EGHT”,”8×8 Inc”,”13.19″,”$1.18B”,”n/a”,”Public Utilities”,”Telecommunications Equipment”,””, “AVHI”,”A V Homes, Inc.”,”15.05″,”$341.1M”,”n/a”,”Capital Goods”,”Homebuilding”,””, “SHLM”,”A. […]
CryptographyAssignment β Mode of Operations Problem 1 Let πΈ be a block cipher of block length 4 and suppose that πΈπ(π1π2π3π4) = (π2π3π4π1). Encrypt π = 1011 0001 0100 and decrypt the ciphertext with the following operation modes: a) ECB, b) CBC mode with IV = 1010, c) CTR mode with ctr = 1010. Problem […]
Understanding how to convey requirements into a program are fundamental to being able to write a program. The first step is to break down the program into logical steps. For this assignment, we create a flowchart and write pseudocode for the following program: Write a program that will calculate the cost of installing fiber optic […]
This week we will create a program that performs file processing activities. Β Your program this week will use the OS library in order to validate that a directory exists before creating a file in that directory. Β Your program will prompt the user for the directory they would like to save the file in as well […]