
Question 1,2,3,4,5

I upload 5 questions and two materials related to this questions, please take a look then decide whether you want to do them or not, the name of this course is ” Dynamic Pricing & Revenue Management “, please upload solution to me before deadline, also I need detailed explaination, thank you. IEOR 4 60 […]

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Students are well aware of the stress associated with school, work, families, and relationships; striving for success in all of these areas tends to overload anyone. According to a recent study at Kansas State University, today’s college students are twice as likely to be depressed, and three times more likely to be suicidal than they […]

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Proteach only

  BUS661: Leading Organizational Change-week 2   To participate in the following Discussion Forums, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation:   Change Rationales Find two articles about organizations going through change. Provide a complete APA citation for each article. Answer the following questions and respond to at least two of your classmates’ […]

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BUSN105-1301B-16 : Introduction to Business

Assignment Type:  Individual Project Deliverable Length: 2-3 body pages P Funding a Business Venture Click  here  to review the scenario. Continuing with the scenario from Unit 1, you now need to make a management decision about how to fund your business. You have several options. You can borrow money,  sell stock , or  license the technology . Chose […]

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BUSN105-1301B-16 : Introduction to Business

Unit 1 – The Business Environment    Legal, Social, and Economic Environments of Business   Before you begin, review the following resources: Review APA Style Sample Paper  here . Complete the APA style tutorial here. Review the Frequently Asked APA Questions here. Read Course Welcome Letter here. Click here to read the scenario.  Based on the business scenario you have […]

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Statistics Assignment.

Ex t r a Cr e d i t H o m ework A s si g n ment: ( 3 4 points total possible) – u p to 5 % additional to y our f inal grade (depending on the s c ore) . 1 ) 5 students from each class were randomly selected […]

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plan an Education program

ProjectPlan an Education ProgramAs a health educator, you will be required to prepare training on various topics geared towards specific audiences. In this project you will plan your training program based on a specific audience and a specific disease or condition.You have two units to complete this project, as it is due at the end […]

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Accounting powerpoint

  Phase 1 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 12–15 slides with notes (excluding cover and references) Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are […]

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Juvenile Delinquency, Deliverable Length: 600–900 words (due Sunday, April 14th)

  Juvenile Delinquency, Deliverable Length: 600–900 words (due Sunday, April 14th) Must have intext and list of references in APA format   If you were a state legislator, and you had the opportunity to rework the juvenile justice system, would it be to the advantage of the taxpayer and the juveniles to split the juvenile […]

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Strayer University BUS 508 – Contemporary Business

COURSE DESCRIPTION Examines the functions and processes within a business enterprise and key factors affecting productivity. Reviews the dynamics of the business operating environment both internal and external, factors affecting competition, and considerations for global operations. Provides a conceptual base for managers to assess and enhance strategic performance in a business organization through the integration of […]

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