
bus 379 Questions..

the_financial_management_decision_process_assignment x Per-Share Earnings and Dividends. Suppose the firm in Problem 3 had 40,000 shares of common stock outstanding. What is the earnings per share, or EPS, figure? What is the dividends per share figure? LO 1 5. Market Values and Book Values. Klingon Widgets, Inc., purchased new cloaking machinery three years ago for $4 […]

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Informal Fallacies

  In this assignment, you will compose three original examples of informal fallacy arguments. This assignment allows you to examine common fallacies in everyday reasoning.   Using the types of arguments listed in the textbook chapter “Flimsy Structures,” respond to the following:   Draft two original fallacies. Do not identify the fallacies, allow your peers […]

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FIN 540 Quiz

fin540_quiz x Question 1   Which of the following is generally NOT true and an advantage of going public? Answer Facilitates stockholder diversification. Increases the liquidity of the firm’s stock. Makes it easier to obtain new equity capital. Establishes a market value for the firm. Makes it easier for owner-managers to engage in profitable self-dealings. […]

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LASA 2—Critiquing an Article

 LASA 2—Critiquing an Article For this project, you will compose a researched response to Peter Singer’s article “America’s Shame.” This assignment allows you to assess and defend the reasonableness of personal beliefs through critical assessment of Singer’s arguments and the presentation of your own, original arguments on the subject.   Review the following:   Singer, […]

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Journaling Exercise

  This assignment prepares you for the final Microsoft PowerPoint assignment in M5: Assignment 1. Throughout this course, you have learned to apply a variety of critical thinking techniques to explore and assess contemporary issues.   Often, you may get the best results using a multistep process that provides adequate time to think, write, research, […]

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Analyzing Implications

  Implications of arguments can be used as tools for evaluating and assessing arguments. These can help you decide whether you want to accept or support an original argument or not. In this assignment, you build on the skills you used in M3: Assignment 2, and go one step further.   Review the following articles: […]

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LASA 1—Analytical Summaries

 LASA 1—Analytical Summaries For this assignment, you will compose two short critical essays explaining and evaluating arguments by other authors. This assignment allows you to analyze an issue from a variety of perspectives and assess arguments for or against the issue. By focusing your attention on how the original authors use evidence and reasoning to […]

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Factors In Favor of and Against

  Finding “factors for” and “factors against” a position is a versatile tool for critical thinkers. In this assignment, you will practice this technique more formally by examining one of several contemporary issues.   Research methods for creating arguments using factors for and factors against an issue using your textbook, the Argosy University online library […]

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Engulf and Devour Arguments

  In M1: Assignment 2, you identified and explained the weakest or strongest argument in a set of articles. You identified the premises and conclusions, discussed whether or not an inference was warranted, and discussed matters of truth and consistency within the specified subject.   Review your work in M1: Assignment 2 where you analyzed […]

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MS 8 Quantitative analysis

Please provide answers to the below set of questions. 1. A sum of `8550 is to be paid in 15 installments where each installment is `10 more than the previous installment. Find the first installment and the last installment. 2. A salesman is known to sell a product in 3 out of 5 attempts. While […]

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