15. C1Ligocyte Pharmaceuticals has developed a new Norovirus vaccine that is produced using a series of three fermentation reactors. Based on measurements with pilot-scale reactors, the following equations can be used to determine the concentration in each reactor for a production-scale system: 3. C2 – C3 = 3800 -3.01 + 18 · C2 – 6. […]
In your career you will undoubtedly be required to create or contribute to documentation for multiple audiences, which can include external and internal consumers. Writing may not be your strong suit, but it is a necessity to become an effective professional. The below material is short and succinct. It is anticipated to be about one […]
Classroom SchedulingThere are 2 main sections to this application; administration and generation. Administration would set the rules, classes, professors, rooms and other settings and configurations for the application. Generation would generate a schedule of professors teaching classes in given rooms given the rules and constraints. Administration Some items would need to evolve from semester to […]
You are working as an analytics developer for an animal discovery channel. Your helpdesk person has received various reports via fax and compiled everything into CSV file. There are various data quality issues as data entry was done manually. You need to count the number of shark attack by country and report it to the […]
8/18/2019Run SEED VM on VirtualBox User Manual Table of Contents How to Use Virtualbox to Run SEED Ubuntu VM Appendix A: Creating Multiple VMs Appendix B: Network Configuration Appendix C: Taking Snapshots of VM Appendix D: Creating Shared Folder The account information You will primarily use the following account: • User ID: seed • Password: […]
You are working as an Analytics Engineer for one of the book retail website. You need to identify best selling books based on the data. You have received the data in Excel file. You need to sort the result based on the best-selling book. You need to display following information on the website. Brand Name […]
Problem 1: System Time to Failure (TTF)The TTF consists of two components that alternatively work as an active and cold spare: • The spare component becomes the active component when the (current) active component fails; • when a component fails it starts repair immediately; • The failed component becomes the spare component as soon as […]
PrepareDataforListings123 🛀 Use the information in the email you received from your manager, Stevie, along with the full Listings123 data (DataExport_2020). You will be preparing your data and applying data cleaning best practices to the DataExport_2020data. Make sure you fill out the Prompts sheet when completing each step. This project’s email thread is located below, […]
Name: ________________________Date: ____________________ ITMG481 Week 8 Assignment (3% of Grade) APUS/Yocam Lesson 8 Review: Bioethical Issues The purpose of this activity is to reinforce what you have learned so far about bioethical issues. 1. What is “technological convergence” in the context of cybertechnology? (Minimum word count: 60) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why do some converging […]
Since we know that no computer algorithm can generate truly random numbers, explain two critical characteristics of a stream of pseudo random numbers in order for them (or the generator that produced the stream) to be appropriate for use in simulation models? 5. Consider the following game of chance involving rolling a pair of dice. […]