
Discussion question

Chapter 3 discusses methods to assess the quality of simulations. You learned about three different views of simulation quality. Suppose you lead a task force that is developing a simulation to provide strategic planning recommendations for property use zoning for a county of 750,000 residents. The zoning board and county commissioners want a simulation that […]

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Beer Yaakov Talmudic Seminary Java 2D Graphics Worksheet

Create 3 simple, images or your choice and use Java 2D graphic methods to rotate, scale and translate each of the images. Using Netbeans or Eclipse, develop a Java 2D graphics application that creates 3 images. The images should have the following specifications: a. Size: minimum 25×25 pixels, larger images are Okay b. Type: Color […]

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MazeGenerator (c++ program)

Using DFS to define a MazeGenerator and MazeSolver maze generator The required algorithm The required algorithm must generate a ​perfect maze​. Viewing a maze as a two-dimensional matrix of square cells, a perfect maze is one in which any two cells are connected by a single unique path. An important consequence of a maze being […]

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East Texas Baptist University Hamming Code Worksheet

Hamming Codeimport java.io.*; import java.util.*; // This program reads a text file, input.txt. // For each character, it produces a hexadecimal number which is the hamming // code for 8-bit characters using even parity. These hex numbers are written to hamming.txt // Copyright (c) Paul Koester, Dallas County Community College, 2017 public class Hamming { […]

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PS 1050 National American University The Marshmallow Test Lab Report

Review the marshmallow test video. The videos and articles can be found on google and YouTube. In part 1 of this assignment, describe in 250 words how these concepts/theories explain the behavior exhibited by the children who participated in the marshmallow test. Example: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic, Drive theory, Arousal Theory, etc. In part 2 of […]

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ITP 100 Pseudocode Variable Declaration for Input Worksheet

Heidy DavilaProfessor Dr. Mohammed Ali Course: ITP 100/003A (49740) Date: September 2, 2022 Programming Project 1 • My business name for my “Food Truck” is Nutella’s Gelato -after my French Nutella. Gelato is very similar to ice cream but made from custard base milk (skin-milk), cream and sugar. Gelato means ice cream in Italy, which […]

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Java Object oriented Programming Project

CSE1/CSE4IOO Semester 3, 2019Assignment – Part 2 Assessment: This Part 2 of the assignment is worth 15 % of the final mark for this subject. Due Date: To be3, announced Feb 2020 Delays caused by computer downtime cannot be accepted as a valid reason for a late submission without penalty. Students must plan their work […]

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Visual Studio C#

Milestone 3This milestone has three parts: Part 1: Use a UML class diagram to model your inventory manager class. This class must use an array to manage a collection of Inventory items. Part 2: Implement the inventory manager class. This class must have methods that do the following: 1. Add a new item to the […]

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COMP 4339 Texas State University – San Marcos Software Analysis Worksheet

I need diagrams used visual paradigms https://www.visual-paradigm.com/ COMP 4339 – Software Design & Analysis FALL 2022 Assignment 1 1. Develop an activity diagram based on the following narrative. If you need to make assumptions, also note them. Also, note any ambiguities or questions you have as you develop the model. That will help you to […]

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Columbia Southern University System Analysis and Design Paper

Instructions Sheena’s Backyard Plant Sales As you should recall from Unit III, Sheena grows three types of plants: desert rose, plumeria, and oleander. She sells her plants in her backyard and has hired your company to create a system for her to use to manage her business. For the desert roses and plumerias, she sells […]

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