

Software PM……… due date 5/25/2013    WEEK 1              Task Type: Individual Project   Deliverable Length: 3–5 pages    Points Possible: 100   Due Date: 5/26/2013 Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty […]

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Can you complete for $5

·      Smoking tobacco   Write a 500- to 750-word paper that addresses ·      Smoking tobacco. Address the following in your paper:   ·      Discuss psychological factors that influence whether individuals start to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. ·      Describe the effects of tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse in the workplace. ·      Explain how employee assistance programs […]

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Can someone complete for 5$?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on managing change in the workplace based on the following scenario: A major health care organization has decided to use electronic medical records. The employees in this organization are resistant to change, particularly changes that deal with technology.   Include the following in your paper:   ·      Describe strategies […]

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Merger and Acquisition

Assignment 3: Case Study—Merger and Acquisition Throughout this course, you will review scenarios involving Company A, which has been acquired by Company B. Company A was founded in 1956 in Mobile, Alabama. The average age of its workforce is 57 and it is comprised of 40% Caucasian and 85% male. Company B was founded in […]

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criminology- 750-1000 words

Tony was a 16-year-old juvenile who was picked up for driving under the influence of alcohol and possession of marijuana. He was evaluated and taken to juvenile detention.  When speaking to the juvenile justice probation officer, Tony stated that drinking and marijuana was not a serious issue and that his parents did it all the […]

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Essay number 1 What issue in society today absolutely ticks you off? What issue are you passionate about? Is it pollution? Minority rights? The war? The draft? GMOs? Deforestation? The Green movement? Overdevelopment? Landfills? Genetic engineering? Cloning? Now, you get a chance to make your voice heard. In this project, you will write a five-paragraph […]

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Marketing plan

Business/Marketing  Company Railway Pizzeria Durand, MI Business Plan (see page A-21 in your Contemporary Marketing textbook)  – Executive Summary  – Table of Contents  – Introduction  Mission Statement  Company Description  Management Team  Product Description  – Marketing Strategy  Demographic s   Trends  Market Penetration  Potential Sales/Revenue  – Facilities Plan  Physical Environment  Equipment  – Human Resources Plan  Employment […]

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java programming 2

Task 1 For this task you will create a Subject class, whose instances will represent the subjects for study at a university. A subject will have a name, just a String, and a subject code, which is a six-character String. The first three characters of a subject code are alphabetic and the last three are numeric. The first three […]

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Marketing 2 Page Essay

I know it’s a tight time frame. But it’s a pretty simple essay, I just do not have the time to work on it. Only willing to pay $5.00 so please do not try to ask for more. The instructions are in the PDF document attached.    Thanks! Unit III Essay When someone talks about […]

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Can you do the PPT presentation??

here is what I have to do:  “It is time to get rich! You and your colleagues are convinced that you can make it happen by setting up a hedge fund. In order to attract potential investors to invest their money into your fund, your team decides to establish a trading record showing how good your team […]

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