
War on Terrorism

Develop a research paper, in which you analyze a key issue facing a population segment in order to propose an area for additional research. Your research will: Part I: Background Describe your chosen population segment. Explain one major social issue facing your selected population segment. Provide statistics and background data to document the social issues […]

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Hostile work environment

James was married and a manager for a large supermarket. He got involved with one of his cashier workers named Janet. After awhile he gave her a supervisory position in the cashier department. She was not very smart and did not have any knowledge about her new position and used her position to get what […]

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Online ECON Quiz

  Here is the link : https://moodle.calstatela.edu/ you can find the log in at the top right Username: aalkrou Pass: 0YZT9stI  ….. (last letter is capital i ) when you log in go to the first course : ECON_303_5 ….. and click on it go down to Topic 3 and chose Q3 Ch2 Econ303 V13 click on it and it will start the quiz […]

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Safety Legislation Project

poerpoint1.pptpowerpoint_2.pptpowerpoint_3.ppt Using all that you have learned in this course plus the course resources, explain how you would establish a safety and health management system that assures compliance with OSHA regulations? How would you go beyond OSHA compliance to create safety performance that would gain your organization recognition as one of the safest places to […]

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Mercedes Benz Operations Management

This essay will entail a field project, consisting of 5 pages of text, double-spaced plus additional exhibit pages. Each group submits one write-up. Consider companies you have visited, been employed by, or observed. When visiting a company, observe their operations and interview several people. Include a flow diagram of the process as it is currently […]

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letter to the reader

_argument_essay_1-1 This part of the project is very similar to the Letter to the Reader assignment you did earlier in the semester. Your 500-word blog post should address the following questions: What kinds of decisions did you have to make when planning your argument and your essay? What was your research process for the essay? […]

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Powerpoint outline of Research Paper

I will provide the Paper, just need a 8-10 slide pp outline  for the paper, not a hard assignment I just dont have time to do it, mid day tomorrow. 5/25 Running head: CAUSES OF CRIME Thomas 1 Causes of crime 2 Causes of crime Jonathan Thomas CRJ 475 Mount Olive College Causes of crime […]

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Powerpoint outline of Research Paper

I will provide the Paper, just need a 8-10 slide pp outline  for the paper, not a hard assignment I just dont have time to do it, mid day tomorrow. 5/25 Running head: CAUSES OF CRIME Thomas 1 Causes of crime 2 Causes of crime Jonathan Thomas CRJ 475 Mount Olive College Causes of crime […]

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Powerpoint outline of Research Paper

I will provide the Paper, just need a 8-10 slide pp outline  for the paper, not a hard assignment I just dont have time to do it, mid day tomorrow. 5/25 Running head: CAUSES OF CRIME Thomas 1 Causes of crime 2 Causes of crime Jonathan Thomas CRJ 475 Mount Olive College Causes of crime […]

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Jones drove her car into Smith’s Parking’s new automatic car park for the first time. There was a sign outside…

Jones drove her car into Smith’s Parking’s new automatic car park for the first time. There was a sign outside the car park that listed the various charges and stated that owners parked at their own risk. When she drove up to the ticket machine, Jones was issued with a ticket. She then drove into […]

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