
ENG 125 Week 5 DQ 1

Throughout this course we have explored the similarities and differences between the literary forms of the short story, the poem, and drama. For example, one major difference is that both poetry and drama frequently place a strong emphasis on performance before an audience that is physically present, while the short story is more commonly intended […]

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ENG 125 Week 3 Assignment Rough Draft of Final Paper

Compose an eight-page Final Essay highlighting an element of literature (theme, character, setting, conflicts, etc.) by using your choice of at least three (3) works from two genres to support your ideas. (You could choose two poems and a play; two short stories and a poem, a poem, a play, and a story, etc.) A […]

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ENG 125 Week 3 DQ 2

Listen to We Real Cool and My Papa’s Waltz. These clips demonstrate the importance of performance, rhythm, and musicality in the poetic form. Describe your listening experience of one or more of the poems. (If you prefer, you may find a recording of another poem from the course readings and describe your listening experience of it instead. If you […]

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ENG 125 Week 3 DQ 1

Reflecting on this week’s literary readings, as well as your own reading experiences, identify at least one major similarity and one major difference between the forms of the short story and the poem. How do the differences between these literary forms affect how you read and respond to them?  In your response, include an example of at least […]

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Health Care Interview Paper

The goal of this assignment is for each student to explore how “real people” access health care and how this might have changed over time.Interview 3 separate individuals representing three generations (parents, grandparents, your generation or your children’s generation) and learn how they: accessed health care paid for health care where they received their health care […]

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ENG 125 Week 2 Assignment Theme and Narrative Elements in the Short Story

In two to four double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference page), demonstrate your understanding of literary themes, using a short story from the readings in week one or two: Describe what the theme of the short story is, using Chapter 7 of the text as a reference. Identify at least two of the literary elements in […]

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ENG 125 Week 2 DQ 2

Chapter Seven explores the role of symbols in conveying literary themes. Themes are abundant in literary works (though they are at some times more obvious than at others). Select one short story from the reading assignments (from either Week One or Week Two) to examine more closely in relation to symbolism. Consider the story’s overall theme(s) and use of […]

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ENG 125 Week 2 DQ 1

Chapter Five discusses the importance of point of view in literature and, more specifically, in the short story. Choose one short story from the course text about which you have not yet written, and analyze it in terms of point of view. When writing your post, consider the following questions How would you categorize the point of view […]

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You are the director of marketing for a regional hospital. The board of directors at your hospital has studied the…

You are the director of marketing for a regional hospital. The board of directors at your hospital has studied the 2011 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies. The alarming statistics quoted in the IOM report stated that “almost 10 percent of infants and toddlers carry excess weight for their length, and […]

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ENG 125 Week 1 DQ 1

Describe your personal relationship to literature and to reading. Begin by considering the meaning of literature. What does the term literature mean to you? What makes something literary in your own mind? If literature means different things to different people, who defines what is and what is not literature? Next, reflect on your relationship to […]

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