
Quantitative Analysis

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C a se s o f B ra n d Y Cases of Brand X SUBDOMAIN 309.3 – […]

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Macroeconmics Assignment 2

Directions: Please write a 700-1,000 word paper in which you address the questions below. Also, please do your best to format your work accordingly and to cite any references you might use.   Suppose we are analyzing the market for hot chocolate. Graphically illustrate the impact each of the following would have on demand or […]

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Home work

1)  After reading chapter 3 (78-90) in our text, answer question 1 on page 101   2) After watching the video  Killing Us Softly by Jean Kilbourne  find an advertisement that you think portrays women in either a negative way (object, infantile, silenced, false power, etc) or in a positive way.  Post the link to it, […]

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ACC 205 Week 5 Exercise Assignment 2013 Updated Version

                          Week Five Exercise Assignment Financial Ratios 1.  Liquidity ratios. Edison, Stagg, and Thornton have the following financial information at the close of business on July 10:EdisonStaggThorntonCash$4,000$2,500$1,000Short-term investments3,0002,5002,000Accounts receivable2,0002,5003,000Inventory1,0002,5004,000Prepaid expenses800800800Accounts payable200200200Notes payable: short-term3,1003,1003,100Accrued payables300300300Long-term liabilities3,8003,8003,800Compute the current and quick ratios for each of the three […]

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ACC 205 Week 4 Exercise Assignment 2013 Updated Version

                                   Week Four Exercise Assignment                                                    Liability  1.  Partner investments; journal entries. The LP partnership was […]

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ACC 205 Week 1 Exercise Assignment 2013 Updated Version

                                   Week One Exercise Assignment                                                                      […]

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OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT of manufacturing finished product How does the company forecast the demand for its finished products? Is the company able to meet the demand of its product with current inventory levels? Is there evidence of lost sales due to the company being out-of-stock? Is there evidence of the company carrying excess inventory (resulting in […]

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Discussion Board Deliverable Length: 2-3 paragraphs

The problem of additional health-related diseases will arise in the prison system. There will be more HIV, more tuberculosis, and other communicable diseases.  Pick a position on the question of  mapping inmates for genetic predisposition to a specific disease and whether inmates should have the same rights in regard to this topic as the general public.    Within the Discussion Board area, […]

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Individual Project Deliverable Length: 3–5 pages

Assignment Guidelines: Address the following in 3–5 pages: Historically, what did a police patrol consist of? Explain.   What were the traditional policies regarding community relations? Explain.   Conduct a search, or contact your local law enforcement agency to find out if the department has a foot patrol, bicycle patrol, scooter patrol, horse patrol, etc. Discuss the types of different […]

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two and half pages paper.

Thesis statement: Xi’an is birth place of Ch in ese nation and representative of the Chinese culture, and also has abundant tourism and famous snack. Ⅰ.Xi’an old name is Chang’an, it’s one of birthplaces for Chinese nation and eastern civilization. 1. Introduce Xi’an history and important influence in ancient. 2. As capital of dynasty in […]

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