
CEMEX and Holcim are two cement manufacturers in Durham. They produce cement and sell it into a competitive world market…

CEMEX and Holcim are two cement manufacturers in Durham. They produce cement and sell it into a competitive world market at the fixed price of $60 per ton. Producing one ton of cement also produces one ton of air pollution that negatively impacts Durham. Suppose that the one-to-one relationship between cement and pollution production is […]

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Discussion Memorandum #1 Net Operating Losses   The Dam Tubing Company has been in business for approximately 15 years operating a tubing business along the Guadalupe River near a local dam.  By 2009, the business had been growing steadily was generating approximately $1,200,000 in sales and $180,000 of taxable income each year.  The pattern changed […]

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More details attached. Assignment 1 student template/make_n_run_Wireworld ./make_Wireworld ./Wireworld Assignment 1 student template/make_n_run_Wireworld_on_Windows.bat ./make_Wireworld_on_Windows ./Wireworld Assignment 1 student template/make_Wireworld ghc –make -O2 -W Sources/Wireworld.hs -iSources -odir `uname -m` -hidir `uname -m` -o Wireworld Assignment 1 student template/make_Wireworld_compile_everything ghc –make -O2 -W Sources/Wireworld.hs -fforce-recomp -iSources -odir `uname -m` -hidir `uname -m` -o Wireworld Assignment 1 student […]

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managament homework

  _____________________________________________________________________   B200B TMA Spring 2013 _____________________________________________________________________  Question:  ‘The airline industry has firms which can be great examples of operations management. There are processes and resources to manage very carefully in order to have satisfactory outputs and results’. Analyze the above statement using examples from B200B material and an airline company, and discuss in […]

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4 page APA

You assignment is to choose a socio-psychological phenomenon that you find interesting (e.g., in-group bias) and review at least 2 theories that have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. Your paper should be organized in the following way: 1.      Description of the phenomenon a.     Provide specific examples/studies 2.     Description of Theory 1 a.     Provide empirical evidence for this […]

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Finance homework help

Assume you could invest 100,000 in common stock of this company. To help you evaluate this potential investment, carefully examine exhibit 14-7 which reproduces the research report on AT & T from value line. The report published in March of 2010.   1.  Based on the research provided by Value Line, would you buy AT&T’s […]

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Help with 10 Math Problems

Please refer to attached file. Thanks. Show your work on all the problems. 1. Find the center and radius of the circle given by ( x + 2 )2 + y2 = 36. 2. Find a slope – intercept equation for a line with slope 3 which passes through the point (1, –2). 3. Find […]

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Due tomorrow April 4, by midland central time!!  Assignment Three – Essay Questions Follow the same instructions found under the Assignment One Essay Questions. 1. When conducting a public opinion poll, what things must be taken into consideration and what problems might there be? Go online to a polling organization (i.e. Gallup, Pew) and choose […]

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Assignment: Economics of Global Warming

Please see the attachment!!! Econ2216 (2012): Assignment 4 Cap and Trade Ruth Forsdyke Due Date: Monday April 8th This assignment is optional as your assignment grade is the best 3 out of 4 assignments. However, even if you do not hand in the assignment, I recommend doing it, to 1) learn and 2) to help […]

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Geography hwk

Running out of water in an aquifer is a real problem. Below is a diagram of the Denver system aquifer that supplies water for Denver and the surrounding area. While people think that an aquifer has unlimited water the amount of water an aquifer has is determined by a number of factors. The first factor […]

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