
Colegio De La Inmaculada Concepcion Secondary Education Worksheet

Ejercicio de Gráficos.1) Comienza introduciendo los datos de la imagen superior. Fórmulas: ● En la celda E2 introduce =​SUMA(​B2:D2​) ● En la celda F2 introduce ​=(SUMA(​B2:D2​)*​100​%)/SUMA(​$B$2:$D$10​) ● En la celda E11 introduce ​=SUMA(​E2:E10​)​ y arrastrala hacia la derecha 2) Primer gráfico. ● ● ● ● ● Para el primer gráfico empezamos seleccionando el rango de […]

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ITS 3110 SUS Applied System Analysis Paper

This week, you will continue working on the solution you have envisioned so far. The work that will be added this week will increment the information you have produced so far, complementing it in a coherent manner. Tasks Using the Microsoft Word document created in W2 Assignment 2, add 3–4 pages to it by completing […]

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SPSS Code Practice Set

STATE OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF STATEWIDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTATION FOR HOSPITAL QUARTERLY FINANCIAL AND UTILIZATION DATA FILES ON OSHPD WEB-SITE For Calendar Quarters Ended In 2015 and After January 2016 Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Quarterly Data File Labels Quarters Ended 2015 and After Data Item Item No. Col. Ref. 1 […]

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CIT 383 University of Oregon Owasp Zap Application Project

For lab this week, we’re going to download and use the OWASPLinks to an external site. Zed Attack ProxyLinks to an external site. (ZAP) to test for security vulnerabilities in a Node application. Before using ZAP, we’re going to validate the application’s checksum value. You are encouraged to also read some of the background articles. […]

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John Abbott College Create a Program Code Computer Science Task

For this project, I would like you to develop an application that allows you to share your favorite comic, movie, or novel with me. Along with a picture of your chosen item, please include a brief explanation of why you like it. Additionally, the app should have a customizable background image of your choice. Upon […]

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Laser Light Is Incident on A Plastic Surface Lab Report

EEE341 Lab 1:Reection of Plane Waves1 Objective Measure the reectance of polarized plane waves incident on the surface of a material and observe the phenomenon of Brewster angle. 2 Introduction When an electromagnetic plane wave (such as light) traveling in one medium, such as air impinges on the interface of a second medium, such as […]

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JAC Currency Converter Questions

What to submitZip and submit the following project to MyCourses: • Yourname_.zip Part 1: Main activity (35%) You will be tasked with creating a currency converter application for this exam. The layout of the converter is displayed below. Please ensure that the currency converter application defaults to converting from USD to JPY, and that all […]

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COP 3331 USF C++ Programming with Inheritance Computer Science Task

As you have worked your way into doing projects 1 and 2, you went  from typically solving the problem using a functional approach in  project #1 and then an object-oriented approach in project #2. However the object-oriented approach used in project #2 did not make  use of a very powerful concept in object-oriented programming. That […]

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Implementing a flexible cache simulator.

Project Description: In this project, you need to implement a simple cache simulator that takes as an input the configurations of the cache to simulate, such as: size, associativity and replacement policy. When you run you simulator, you need to additionally provide the path of the trace file that includes the memory accesses. Your simulator […]

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US final report ( programming language and paradigms ) using Racket

Your task for this course project is to generate a simple programming language with some weird constructs. Here’s an example: +~! hello, world? 5 ^_^ This programming language uses non-standard symbols and includes a greeting message and a cute face. When executed, it should output the sum of 5 and 1 (because the ^_^ symbol […]

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