
M7 Intro to Microeconomics

1. A recent flood in the Midwest has destroyed much of the farmland that lies in fertile regions near the rivers. Describe the effect of the flood on the marginal productivity of land, labor, and capital. How would the flood affect the price of inputs? Provide some examples. 3. After graduating from college, you receive […]

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Multi-Genre Research Essay question HELP

I’m doing an Multi Genre Research Essay on WW2. For the prospectus part of the essay I need to answer the following questions: §What is your topic or theme? §Why does it interest you? §What is the purpose of your research? §From whose point of view will you be writing? §Who is your audience? §What […]

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Advertising Claims

Advertising Claims In this assignment, look for and provide two advertisements that you think contain logical fallacies. Use any advertisement that you can find in magazines, on television, or from the Internet for this assignment.   Your two examples must represent two of the following logical fallacies:   Appeal to Popularity False Cause Appeal to […]

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Finance Case study: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (attached)

Please see the attached CAFR for the City of Opa Locka, Florida. This is the document to be studied to answer the following questions: I.                    Management Discussion and Analysis:  GASB 34 calls for governments to discuss their financial condition in the so-called MD&A. What does the MD&A reveal?  Are there any important revelations (doubtful) or […]

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Should be clear and understandable APA format…. Topic Selection for Individual Speech Presentation- informative or persuasive speech Review this week’s lecture. Think about a communication topic that you would like to learn more about. Research your topic and create a good thesis statement. Write at least three sentences for the main ideas concerning your topic. Assignment: […]

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The Reaction Paper. This is an essay of 4 doubled spaced typed pages reacting to the outcome of any court…

The Reaction Paper. This is an essay of 4 doubled spaced typed pages reacting to the outcome of any court trial case within the USA. This is your paper; a personal reaction to something, that is, what you think about it. This is not a research paper, though you may do some research on your […]

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microsoft Sharepoint IT basic website

Need help finishing website most of work is done just need finishing touches using sharepoint microsoft Creative mind is needed for little paragraph descriptions and good with IT webdesing need done in 4-5 hours. you would start on step 4. if you cant finish it in 3 hours then no deal MIS311 Asgn C: Use […]

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ENG 125 Introduction to Literature Symbolism of the Jorney

I need help with a rough draft for my Final Paper, in which you compare and contrast TWO of The Symbolism of the Journey. These literary works below are the choices only choose two to compare and contrast.   The Road Not Taken (Frost) A Worn Path (Welty) I Used to Live Here Once (Rhys)         […]

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Java Help

in JGRASP Imp a class that maintains a list of the top 10 performers in a video game. An entry on the list consists of the score and the name, and the list is kept in descending order of scores.This is an example   Jim   110 Bob 95 Harry 65 Larry 34  a class […]

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Two page memo

Ch. 7 P. 280   Question: The sales budget is usually the first and most crucial of the component budgets in a master budget because all other budgets usually rely on it for planning purposes.    Required:   Assume that your company’s sales staff provides information on expected sales and selling prices for items making […]

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