Using Vue9,Maya or LightWave 3D,provides two rendered objects in which at least five (5) of the following techniques are realized. Sphere,Materials,Point Lighting,Spot Lighting,Directional Lighting,Ambient Lighting,Recursive Depth,Soft Shadow,Transparent Object,Depth of Field, Motion Blur, Texture Mappingand3D Transformation There is no restriction on what techniques you choose to demonstrate or the scene you choose to develop, but you […]
I have attached the assignment. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Assignment will look similar to Scipty Fun Pythonfile i uploaded,. Add functionality to both Screenburst scripts: Screenburst Python and Screenburst PowerShell • • • Add GUI prompts for […]
Please write a BASH script that does that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides two integers Users MUST enter two operands and an operator (no need to ensure that what they are entering is in that format…assume that it is). The format of the inputs should be operand-space-operator-space-operand examples 1 + 1 2 * 2 5 – 3 6 […]
Using Vue9,provide two rendered objects in which at least five (5) of the following techniques are realized. Sphere,Materials,Point Lighting,Spot Lighting,Directional Lighting,Ambient Lighting,Recursive Depth,Soft Shadow,Transparent Object,Depth of Field,Motion Blur, Texture Mappingand3D Transformation There is no restriction on what techniques you choose to demonstrate or the scene you choose to develop, but you must submit the following. […]
Only need to do “Project #2-3: Creating a simple (fake) credit card verification”, the rest is not my part. Here are the framework and requirement. Project 2: Valida0ng and Processing User Input (Overview and Dra= Submission) Overview: You will be assigned 1 of 8 projects. Each project requires crea;ng a form to collect data, valida;ng […]
Introduction Welcome to Unit 5! You are halfway through your first computer science class. Well done! Unit 5 provides an overview of the iteration with while and for loops. You will learn about while and for loops while programming, including their similarities, differences, and applications. You will also learn about strings and string operations like […]
Cybersecurity Is Not (Just) a Tech ProblemAs remote work continues to be a pillar of our new normal, organizations are realizing that the security environment has dramatically changed. Securing remote work isn’t solely the job of the IT team, however – it also requires trust. Senior leadership needs to be able to trust from the […]
Part 2 when you scroll down to page 3 on the instructions listed. Let me know if you need anything else. Prof Rico Cassoni CSIT120 Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems (CIS) Final Project Assignment (100pts) Product Description (2pts): (1) What is the physical component one is getting from a vendor? (2) What are the software […]
Continuation of an existing OS assignment. Introduction Processes are like little boxes that the program runs in – they are self-contained. Much of the time, that is perfectly fine. Our video game doesn’t need to coordinate with or talk to our spreadsheet. But sometimes applications do need to communicate/coordinate. Let’s look at a few ways […]
IMPORTANT: When posting, you should thoughtfully explain a theme from lecture, then incorporate and cite at least one of your readings in your original response to the prompt, including the author, title, publication date, and page if available. Best form is to include that information at the end of your narrative response/as a footnote. You […]