In this lab, you will review different websites and examine the way the sites are coded and which language is used. Additionally, you will identify the types of logic used in each. For this lab, you will look at a few different websites and see how their code was constructed. Review a few different websites […]
Background: great! Input and output: 1. Did not describe the datatype, info on missing values for each input feature (if the dataset has way too many features, include the info for a couple of the important ones) 2. Did not include plots for value distribution of some features A plan for the rest of the […]
College of Computing and InformaticsProject Deadline: Sunday 12/5/2024 @ 23:59 Student Details: Name: Name: Name: [Total Mark is 14] CRN: ID: ID: ID: Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed […]
Now that the project charter has been created, you will begin working on components of the project plan that will serve as input into the final project plan that you will prepare for the Signature Assignment. For this assignment, you will breakdown the work for the project using a work breakdown structure (WBS) and prepare […]
College of Computing and InformaticsAssignment 2 Deadline: Day 05/06/2024 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8] Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not […]
Programming Style Guidelines: The major purpose of programming style guidelines is to make programs easy to read and understand. Good programming style helps make it possible for a person knowledgeable in the application area to quickly read a program and understand how it works.1. Your program should begin with a comment that briefly summarizes what […]
This is a Group Assignment. For this assignment, you and your team are planning on designing a newapplication. Before you start, however, you are going to use the knowledge and skillsthat you have learned in class so far to conduct a [pseudo] heuristic (expert)analysis of an application.This application is going to be Plants vs. Zombies […]
Project 3 Hands-on ExercisesTo begin, perform the following steps: A. Preparation: 1) Familiarize yourself with the resources provided in the Lab Resources section of this document. You will find helpful open-source links that help you understand the tools you will use in this lab. 2) Connect to the lab environment following the connect instructions provided […]
Follow the specifications: scanner specifications and parser specifications for the C_flat language. You are given the scanner code, but should make sure it is working before using it in your overall project. The scanner is given in the cfScannerDrJ.l file. The tokens file is also given file: cfTokensDrJ.y. Read the specifications and the Yacc-Flex book […]
Use two files below they maybe helpful for the assignents 1st assignment is discussion topic should be up to 200 words answering this: Choose an Amazon web service and provide a brief description 2nd assignment is discussion topic should be up to 200 words answering this: What are some of the benefits of a cloud-based […]