
infomation systems

1.— Evaluate the ethical concerns that information technologies raise in society and the impact of information technologies on crime, terrorism, and war. 2.—- As a field of study, cyberethics is mainly understood as a branch of applied ethics. As opposed to theoretical ethics, applied ethics examines practical ethical issues. From the reading, identify one example […]

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History Essay Help !! (MUST HAVE a textbook)

Choose One of the following and write a thoughful, argument-driven essay.   1.        1.Demonstrate the role of nationalism in the rhetoric of political leaders.   2.         2.Explain how the economy that emerged during the Industrial Revolution led to political shifts across the globe.    (3-5 pages, double spaced)    […]

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Woman Studies Questions

SEE ATTACHMENT! To complete the week’s assignments, you need to do the following: 1. Read our textbook pages 413-432 2. Read the course module on Women and Politics, only part II A, Women’s rights in historical perspective in the US. 3. Read the article on “Supreme Court’s Evolving Rulings on Abortion.” 4. View a video […]

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environmental worksheet 4 lab work

lab work sheet Name: Date: Instructor’s Name: Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 4 Lab Report Title: Analysis of Energy Sources Instructions: You will write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method. When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files. Part I: Using the lab animation, fill in the data table below to […]

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who ganna do my nutrient density assignment

Nutrient Density Assignment The purpose of this lab is to learn which foods contain a lot of nutrients but not very many calories. This is known as ‘nutrient density. For example: non-fat milk is more nutrient dense than whole milk because it only has 9 0 calories a serving instead of 1 5 0, but […]

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These next two questions refer to the following information:

These next two questions refer to the following information: A researcher would like to estimate p, the proportion of U.S. adults who support recognizing civil unions between gay or lesbian couples. Question 6 Select one answer. 10 points If the researcher would like to be 95% sure that the obtained sample proportion would be within […]

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respond to this person using the top part of this post

Top Part Several illustrations have been provided explaining a long position and how it contrasts with a short position. College tuition has even been used as an example! Prepare at least one example of a long position and one example of a short position and back it up with explanations. How are these examples similar […]

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for johny

ECON macro 1- Definitions A- Closed the economy : there is no international trade. GDP= C+I +G B- Open economy: there is international trade GDP=C+I+G+Xn C- close economy with no government (close private econ) GDP= C+I D- open economy with no government GDP= C+I+Xn 2- True and false with explanation. A-what is the open economy? […]

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I need an essay. must have knowledge of “DON QUIXOTE”

Brief description (the phrases in bold are amplified below): Choose three of the first six U.S. writers we have read. Describe and differentiate their strategies of appropriation vis-à-vis Cervantes’ text in a 3-5 page essay. Begin with some general consideration of questions of influence, appropriation, intertextuality, or whatever other term you wish to use for […]

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Gary Grandview –A Continuing Case – Part 5 Investing Your Wealth: Asset Allocation Gary has been watching the financial news network on cable, reading articles on how to invest in business magazines, and listening to a co-worker recount his plans to double the size of his portfolio in six months. Gary is now convinced that […]

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