

Not sure if entire question was posted. I added an attachement with regression question reqiurements.   1. You are given the following regression results estimating the demand for widgets based on time series data for the past 40 months. Qt = 2.5 – 0.3 x Pt + 12 x Mt Where Qt represents the quantity […]

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soc 101

## Send to the Discussion Forum five topics you think would make valid studies for a sociologist and tell why you think a sociologist would be interested in them. ## *****************************************************************************  We talked about common sense and the need for sociological research in, but I want us to discuss it a little further. Quite often we […]

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Question 8: The salaries of employees of the Moe D. Lawn Landscaping Company are below

Question 8: The salaries of employees of the Moe D. Lawn Landscaping Company are below What are the mean, median, and mode? Round each answer to two decimal places if needed. Salary 22,000 23,000 26,000 49,000 Frequency 6 2 1 2 Question 9: The salaries of employees of the Moe D. Lawn Landscaping Company are […]

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First part This part you should read this part then there are two questions in red. You have to rephrase them In this piece, the final chapter in Lovelock’s book, The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning, he writes that, “We know that we have made appalling mistakes but we have cast aside the […]

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genetic paper

B. Writing Assignment: A written assignment covering recent advances in the field for a human genetic  disease/disorder is required. Choose a topic that is new and interesting to you. To find human genetic conditions, you  can use The National Library of Medicine’s Genetic Home Reference [http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/BrowseConditions]. Note  that the Genetic Home Reference is not a […]

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ART 101 full course

ART 101 Week 1: Due 4/18 Discussion Questions:   Discussion 1:  Florence, the Dominant City-State Explain how Florence reflects the ideals of the dominant city-state and how some of the geographical, economical, social, and artistic forces shape this ideal. Use one example from Gardner’s Art through the Ages and one example from the Internet. Your […]

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Criminal Justice question

Do you believe prison conditions are too harsh, or too lenient? What one universal change would you make in order to make prisons more effective?    FILE ATTACHED ONLY FOR KIM WOODS! Running head: POLICE RIDE-ALONG 1 POLICE RIDE-ALONG 2 Field Interview: Police Ride-Along Name Course title and number Date of submission Police Ride-Along Police […]

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project review

Course Project—Peer Review Your facilitator will assign you the reports of two classmates. Evaluate the presentation based on the following criteria and add any other comments you may have. Use the following questions to guide your peer review: Do the tables tie into and support the conclusions? Does the paper flow properly from problems to […]

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You will select one organization to write about in your paper. Please be thoughtful in your selection of organization….

You will select one organization to write about in your paper. Please be thoughtful in your selection of organization. You may select an organization where you currently work, have worked in the past, have a contact (friend or family member) who currently works, or you may select an organization that interests you. Please recognize this […]

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) Two people wish to buy your house. The first person offers you $200,000…

) Two people wish to buy your house. The first person offers you $200,000 today, while the second person offers you twenty five annual payments of $15,000. Assume a 5 percent interest or discount rate. (a) What is the present value of each offer? [5 Points] (b) If you could take either offer, which person […]

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