
Victimology- 400–600 words- Conduct an Internet search for a victim’s advocacy program…

Victimology– Conduct an Internet search for a victim’s advocacy program. Describe the program’s main mission and the services provided, which may include awareness activities, conferences, and publications. Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas: How effective […]

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Science paper essay

AssignmentMental Illness OverviewMental illness is a serious issue both in America and in the global community.Select a mental illness or condition in which you have some familiarity or interest. Give an overview of the condition including symptoms, prevalence, at-risk populations, and treatment options. Discuss education programs geared for the general public as well as programs […]

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Juvenile Delinquency- 400–600 words in regards to the given scenario

Juvenile Delinquency– Scenario-Mary Jane went shopping on Sunday night with her brother and sister from 7 to 9 p.m. She happened to be shopping in the same shopping center that had a burglary at 8 p.m. Sunday night. The next day, while sitting in class, juvenile officers came and detained her for the burglary. They […]

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help phil

A very prestigious events planning firm, Verlon, has approached John Sanders, vice president of Echo Industries to secure a contract as a vendor. The president of Verlon Events Planning would like Echo Industries to consider their company for planning Echo’s several corporate upcoming conventions. Echo hosts 3 large events per year, which results in the […]

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Composite functions are useful when one quantity depends on a second quantity, and in turn that second quantity depends on a third quantity. This is an extremely general situation with lots of real-world applications. 1.   The cost of getting new life insurance depends on how old you are, and how old you are depends on […]

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You work in the proposal dept of a small manufacturer of electronic equipment used in civilian & military boats and…

You work in the proposal dept of a small manufacturer of electronic equipment used in civilian & military boats and ships. Your company doesn’t use project management software. You have a graphic artist draw your gantt charts for the company. You think that project management software would help your company improve overall efficiency, as well […]

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read below

read the scenarios below and respond in the form of an essay, which should consist of several paragraphs and appropriate priority or task lists. Responses should be supported fully and completely. A well-thought-out response can be accomplished in 300-500 words (one or two pages, double spaced). Any published material used to support a response should […]

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Quest 1 & 2

Top of Form Question 1 Decision making is a function relegated to department officers of rank who are empowered with the authority to make decisions that affect many other emergency response personnel. Discuss the concepts and importance of CRM and The 2&7 Tool as both are applied to the fire service. Include details of each […]

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game theory

  Two software companies sell competing products. These products are substitutes, so that the number of units that either company sells is a decreasing function of its own price and an increasing function of the other products price. Let p1 be the price and x1 the quantity sold of product 1 and let p2 and […]

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Use and Misuse of Percentages

MINIMUM 200 WORDS!! Instructions for work. THIS IS A DISCUSSION TOPIC, MINIMUM OF 200 WORDS! One of the concepts you encountered in the readings this module was how to recognize the use and misuse of information presented in the form of percentages. In this discussion assignment, you will conduct an Internet search to find several […]

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