
Multiple choice 19 questions Managerial Accounting

6. An example of a period cost is a(n):Answer A. selling cost B. product cost C. manufacturing cost D. inventoriable cost 9. An example of a qualitative factor is:Answer A. an irrelevant cost B. customer satisfaction C. a relevant cost D. increased income 13. Using ABC can help a firm: A. reduce costs B. increase […]

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Science paper essay

ProjectEducation Program ResearchAs a health educator, you will be required to prepare training on various topics geared towards specific audiences. In this project you will research educational material on the topic you selected for your Final Project.Unit 7 Project.Based on the topic you selected in Unit 1, conduct a review of the literature. Research the essentials […]

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Topic Paper on Friedrich A Hayek

Topic Paper on Friedrich A Hayek Please discuss the different economic theories of the person of your choice. Why are they important? Have they helped or hurt our economy? If they were alive today, what do you think he would suggest as an economic plan for our economy? Would they agree or disagree with the […]

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SECTION A: Economics: please answer both questions

EC4003 and EC4003X: Global Business Environment Final assessment: 2000 words coursework Weight: 40% Deadline: 24th May 2013 Please note that the coursework consists of 2 sections. Section A is on Economics and Section B is on Business Law. Each section carries equal weight. Staple your whole coursework (Section A and Section B) together. Please submit […]

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Advanced Accounting Homework and Take Home Exam Packets due Monday 6pm

There is one exam from Session I that I need completed ASAP. There is a lot of writing on it and graphing that needs to be done. Then, there is one exam from Session II which has some writing on it to help with how the problems should be set up. Along with that there is […]

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Differential Analysis

Need homework help.  See case attached below. Please show working for each question.Thanks Case Studies se ;UlCeS lS a l er is consid er custo rice shop locatga i :ri ng the pu rcfase er base in tfle ma Ftdil’,:,’,t:]1-L::’ downtown Mlami. of a nevy juicqr to ket. Thb shod is peting With jL{ice€tx c:h l-he […]

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Discrete Math

Math 221 questions attached! 7.1 5. For each of the following relations, determine whether the relation is reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, or transitive. a) R ⊆ Z+ X Z+ where a R b if a|b (read “a divides b,” as defined in Section 4.3). b) R is the relation on Z where a R b if […]

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True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.   ____    1.   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits job discrimination on the basis of education and experience.   ____    2.   A victim of alleged discrimination must bring a suit against an employer before filing a claim with the Equal […]

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HR Management Mid-Term Exam

True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.   ____    1.   Only the federal government sets safety standards governing workplaces.   ____    2.   A closed shop is a firm that rejects union membership as a condition of employment.   ____    3.   All personnel functions are interrelated   ____    4.   The Civil Rights […]

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law questions

Q1   Riki files a suit against Stevedore Shipping Corporation under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, alleging employment discrimination on the basis of gender on a disparate-impact theory. To succeed, Riki must show that Stevedore hires fewer women than the percentage of   Question 2    Fact Pattern 35-2B Ida replaces Hector in his job […]

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