
Human Resource Management

  1.    What are the details of each of the Trilogy cases of the 1960s? Why have federal courts ruled that it is up to the private arbitrator (not the courts) to make the decision on the merits of the case?     2.    Explain why costs and time lags subsequently render much criticism to […]

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Choose and reserach a specific company that is traded publicly where there has been a pattern of change in a particular market model. (You can use APPLE since it is an OLIGOPOLY in the smartphone software industry). 1. Describe the business and explan the general pattern of change of the particular market model indicating how […]

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Operations Decision Economics

Assume you have been hired as a managing consultant by a company to offer some advice that will help it make a decision as to whether it should shut down completely or continue its operations.  It currently uses 100 workers to produce 6,000 units of output per month (working 20 days/month).  The daily wage per […]

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Leamos/Escribamos Completa el párrafo con las formas correctas de los verbos en paréntesis. Usa el pretérito o el imperfecto. Yo __1__ (criarse) en el campo, pero mi familia __2__ (mudarse) a la ciudad cuando yo tenía doce años. Hablábamos aymara en mi pueblo, y mi mamá no __3__ (expresarse) bien en español. Mis hermanos y […]

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Economics Operations

see attachment for assignment Domino’s Pizza is considering entering the marketplace in your community (Boston MA). Conduct research about the demographics of your community using US government statistics websites for population and demographic data that includes size of population and average income per household, and other independent variables, such as price of pizza and price […]

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who ganna do my Religious class homework about 2 pages ?

Central Washington University Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Sacred Books of the World RELS 201.002 First Paper My Own Religious Experience (my own worldview) It is important for students to have a personal viewpoint (Weltanschauung*) from which to understand sacred books. The purpose of this paper is to help the student clarify and deepen […]

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demand and forecasting economics

Dominos Pizza is considering entering the marketplace in your community (Boston, MA).  Conduct research about the demographics of your community, for example the population size and average income per household and other independent variables such as price of pizza and soda.  By conducting a demand analysis and forecast in pizza, you will be able to […]

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Can someone do a life mgmnt assignment”

Site 1   First you must determine the answer to some very important questions. Using your incident you thought about at the “dangerous curves” sign post, answer the following questions.   What exactly are they asking me to do? (i.e. They are asking me to sneak out of the house.) Why are they asking me […]

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Discusion Question

“Business and Cyberethics” Please respond to the following: A possible view is that business and ethics simply have nothing to do with each other, and that the term “business ethics” is an oxymoron. Immoral behavior of individual market participants, such as high-profile managers or corporations (e.g., Enron, WorldCom, etc.), sometimes appear to support this view. […]

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Economics questions

General Cereals is using a regression model to estimate the deamnd for Tweetie Sweeties, a whistle-shaped, sugar-coated cereal for children. The following multiplicative exponential demand function is being used:QD (D is lower to the right)= 6,280P-2.15 A1.05 N3.70 (2.15, 1.05 3.70 are above the letters to the right)    where QD= quantity demanded in 10oz. boxes    […]

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