
U edwards

  In  this discussion forum, you are going to research current topics related  to international business and one of the following disciplines:  marketing, finance, accounting, or management. You will utilize one of these journals to conduct your search: Journal of International Marketing Journal of International Management International Finance  The International Journal of Accounting  The video […]

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   The purpose of this Biology Discussion is to help each other understand the main concepts presented in the chapters covered this week. In Week of General Biology, we will be covering Chapters 8 – 10.   *One of the entries MUST ask a question about a concept/idea presented in the required readings in the […]

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   Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference      Q1 Quita What is the nature and scope of the alcohol and/or drug abuse problem in the United States today? For example, is this problem more significant today than it was in the past? Include […]

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TOFP Week 4 Assignment

To prepare for this assignment: Review the course document, Treatment Outcome Models (found in this week’s Learning Resources). Review Chapter 21, “Aftercare and Recidivism Prevention,” in the course text Handbook of Forensic Mental Health with Victims and Offenders: Assessment, Treatment, and Research. Pay attention to the effective uses of treatment outcome models with forensic populations. Review the […]

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TOFP Week 4 Discussion

To prepare for this Discussion: Review the Treatment Outcome Models document, provided in the introduction area of this week’s discussion, and think about how each model relates to the treatment of forensic populations. Review Chapter 21, “Aftercare and Recidivism Prevention,” in the course text Handbook of Forensic Mental Health with Victims and Offenders: Assessment, Treatment, and […]

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NURS:6645 (PMHNP), Urgent

 Topic: Children or Adolescences  with Tics and Tourette Disorders.  Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents. Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the […]

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CIA&OB Week 4 Discussion

To prepare: Review Chapter 4, of the course text, and the other Learning Resources this week. Consider the historical context and evolution of geographic profiling and mapping, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Post responses to the following: What is your current understanding of geographic profiling and mapping? Explain the similarities and differences between […]

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Linear Regression Case Study: Predicting Winnings for NASCAR Drivers

Please reference the photo and attached excel file. Complete the work on the excel file or post answer with how it should be inputted into the excel file.  Suppose you wanted to predict Winnings ($) using only the number of poles won (Poles), the number of wins (Wins), the number of top five finishes (Top […]

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Week 8 Final Project

 Welcome to your Final Project! Throughout the semester, you and your team have thoroughly analyzed your client’s business and their ideal target markets. Your discussion posts, Minor Project, and Week 5 Major Project Part 1 were designed to guide your team in completing different plan sections. Use the findings and ideas from prior assignments and […]

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Wk 4 – Sentencing and Post-Conviction

  Assignment Content Question : Imagine you are a criminal justice professional working for a superior court judge. Your judge has been asked to re-sentence a defendant in a criminal case due to the case being sent back to the trial court after an appeal or post-conviction issue. He would like you to provide him […]

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