
need home work done

ENGL 1013 Spring 2013 Final Exam: Take Home Due: 8 May 2013 Note: To make this easier for me to grade, either turn on the track changes feature or change the color of your font to red or another color that stands out equally well. If you don’t do this, I might decide not to […]

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Task: The following test contains dangling and misplaced modifiers, disrupted modifiers, and squinting modifiers in addition to numerous problems involving…

ENGL 1013 Spring 2013 Editing Exam 3 Task: The following test contains dangling and misplaced modifiers, disrupted modifiers, and squinting modifiers in addition to numerous problems involving style. You are to use the proofreading marks I have taught you to correct the errors in the following passages. You need not label anything. Each paragraph has […]

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Math Homework Multiple Choice

See attached file 1 College Algebra Final Examination—FHSU Math & C.S. Department Form G Name ____________________________ Multiple Choice: Mark through (horizontally) the space on the answer card corresponding to the best answer for each problem. 1. Solve the equation by factoring: 2 9 18 0x x   [A]  6, 3 [B]  6, […]

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Chicana Studies

The Canción Mexicana 1. In general, the canción mexicana consists of very syncopated rhythms. (T/F)  2. The canción mexicana is an umbrella term, which includes many song forms. (T/F)  3. The canción mexicana  does not focus on lyric content. (T/F)  4. A son is a canción. (T/F) The Canción Tradicional  5.  One of the earliest […]

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Project managemnt

Assignment requirements This assignment follows on from the previous Social Media Research Center assignment case study. Now that the project sponsor has approved your Project Charter and associated documents, you may proceed to the planning phase of the project by providing a formal project report for the project sponsor based on the following project planning documents. […]

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Assignment:   You will complete an x-bar and R chart similar to the example shown in Chapter 6, figure 6.8, from our textbook “Statistical Process Control and quality Improvement”, starting from the provided Excel template. Two versions of the assignment template are provided; 1A is for the newer version of Excel: .xlsx, 1B is compatible […]

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International business

You work for an international construction company that has been contracted to build the tallest skyscraper in the world in Rio De Janeiro. The financing is coming from Dubai, the materials are coming from China, the engineering and technology is coming from Germany, and the labor will be hired locally with management from the United […]

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CISB 15 – Microcomputer Applications

Center.xlsx Sheet1 MemberID ProgramID First Last Street City State Zip Phone DateJoined Expiration Status InitiationFeeWaived 1103 201 Joseph Eckler 29 Prospect Street Ashland VA 23005 804-550-3050 01/16/2013 01/16/2014 Active TRUE 1105 204 Barry Hassan 9 Harrington Avenue Richmond VA 23220 804-236-6717 03/02/2013 03/02/2015 Active FALSE 1106 202 Debbie Ward 18 Barton Street Richmond VA 23219 […]

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Ecology paper needed

Carbon Footprint 300-350 word paper A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that each individual produces. Calculating your carbon footprint can give you a new perspective concerning how much you are really contributing to the greenhouse effect. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about taking personal responsibility for […]

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Answer accounting questions and exercises

WK5 Assignment 3 x Eye Openers 1. Why might a business invest in another company’s stock? 2. If a bond is purchased between interest payment periods, how is the accrued interest treated? 3. Why would there be a gain or loss on the sale of a bond investment? 4. When is using the cost method […]

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