
XML schema (20%)

XML schema (20%) Create and populate a Real Estate XML file that references an Schema file. The XML file should contain at least 5 property listings and conform to the business rules below. The XML file should contain, at a minimum, the following elements and attributes: street address city state (limit responses to only Maryland, […]

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Case study—Paid Time Off (PTO) Policies   While reviewing the information from the two merged companies, the HR Director has found out that each company has two different PTO policies. Company A has a PTO system in which employees are given 30 days of paid time off each year, which accumulates at the rate of […]

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For the Case Assignment in this module, you will choose a current issue or topic, develop a title and thesis…

For the Case Assignment in this module, you will choose a current issue or topic, develop a title and thesis (main point), and construct an annotated bibliography. This annotated bibliography and the topic you choose will be the basis of your Session Long Project. In other words, you will end up writing a research paper […]

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Mkt 500 week 4 discussions

    Week 4 Discussion 1 Top of Form “Goods and Services” Please respond to the following: ·         Assess how a marketer would approach the Product P of the 4Ps for a service it wants to add to its existing product lineup. For example, Best Buy adding The Geek Squad or Sam’s Club adding automotive service […]

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Economic problems

Need help ASAP!! ECON 213 Problem Set 2 Name: __________________________________________ Problem Set 2 is to be completed by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4. 1. The following table presents data for wages in the market for internet security professionals. (HINT: in the labor market the roles are reversed. Those who want to hire […]

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Economics help

There are two problems sets, and two topic assgnments.   Please see attached instructions.    E C ON 2 1 3 P r o bl e m Se t 3 Name: ________________________________________ Problem Set 3 i s to be c ompleted by 11: 5 9 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6 . 1. Data […]

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Protocol Recommendations

Assignment 2: Protocol Recommendations By  July 22, 2013, use the Internet to conduct research on organizations in the banking and finance industries that use forward-thinking policies for proactive crisis management. Note the practices followed by these organizations—which could be small or large, public or private—to ethically manage exposure and crisis. By Tuesday, July 23, 2013, based on […]

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I have to write a five page essay about how the mass production of food is detrimental to the earth….

I have to write a five page essay about how the mass production of food is detrimental to the earth. FINAL PAPER Assignment & Guide The following is a guide for your entire essay The essay should be a minimum of 5 pages, double-spaced. It can be longer but not shorter. In addition, you will […]

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Philosophy unit 1 DB

One thing that unites all humans—despite culture or time period—is the desire to be happy. Since the beginning of Western philosophy, philosophers have been asking the question, “How can I find happiness?” In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle asserts that all things have their own primary purpose, or end. He says that the good, or happiness, can be achieved […]

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MATH 115 TEST III DR. T. MAGNAVITA NAME__________________________________________________ DO ALL WORK IN EXAM BOOK AND SHOW ALL STEPS. 1. In a random sample of 60 computers, the mean repair cost is $150 with a standard deviation of $36. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the population mean. 2. A random sample of 10 parking meters […]

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