
2 Part Project

I have a 2 part project.   1st = 2 discussion questions each responds needs to be at least 150+ words. NOTE: I need these by tomorrow at noon CST.   2nd = Powerpoint presentation   Both of these are for my Economics class. Appendix A ECO/56 1 Version 8 1 Part 1: In 150 + […]

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Differentiated Instruction Assignment:

Please read the assignment and tell me if you can do in the allowed timed. – Please complete the following assignment after you have completed the assigned readings on differentiated instruction and have watched the videos and PowerPoint presentations . Submit your assignment in the differentiate instruction dropbox. Develop a lesson plan that demonstrates your […]

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keywords project

1. Choose one of the products or brand associated with your previously selected web sites. 2. Brainstorm and identify at least 10 keywords that a person might use to search for the product or the brand. 3. Use the  Google Adwords’ keyword tool  to learn how good your keyword choices are. Determine if other keywords […]

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marketing project

1-Product Description: Section should describe the product, and include its features and benefits to the customers. Should also discuss who your target market is and why they would place value on the product. 2-Rationale for Country Selection: Section should discuss why you have chosen your particular country. Reasons should include (but not limited to) identified […]

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PADM520 week 8

wk8shingler   Please analyze an article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. Chose from one of the two articles. The articles can be found in the “Resources” section in the “articles” folder. Please critically review the following article, paying close attention […]

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1. Complete the “My Contract” exercise on page 248.  2. Using MS Word or WordPad, answer the following question: How might this exercise  help you to succeed?   2 Pages double space size 12 Arial font C re a ti n g S u c c e ss chapter Life Direction Support System Self-Support 1 […]

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ITC4760 Unit VI Assessment

need help with ITC4760, IT Evaluation & Implementation I, Unit VI Assessment Question 1   Why is project scheduling so important? Your response should be at least 75 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; […]

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U.S. History Final

There are totally 3 questions   1) Trace the administrations of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson 1796-1808. Which one had the greatest impact on the development of United States History? In your analysis contrast and compare the accomplishment and failures of their administrations. (4-5 pages)   2) Indicate the major weakness of the Articles of […]

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BBA3361 Unit VI Assessment

Need help with my BBA3361, Professionalism in the Workplace, Unit VI Assessment. APA format is required. Question 11   How an individual deals with conflict reflects on his or her attitude, maturity level, and self-confidence. Explain how you would use the five basic rules when dealing with conflict to handle a conflict that you experience […]

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FOR JOHNY- MS Excel Spreadsheet- Business Mergers- at least 3 paragraphs

  Business Mergers   Reflect on the last assignment (which is attached).  The merger of two companies can create problems that need to be resolved before the company can begin operating as a unified organization. As you saw, differences in the organization and the structure of data resulted in necessary modifications to combine the data […]

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