
i need someone to read the information below and put on a power point slide.i already set up the power slides.

Assignment 1: LASA 2 Identity Formation We have learned that adolescence is a time of transition between childhood and adulthood. A critical milestone of this stage is the ability to successfully achieve a sense of identity. Around the world, there are different rites of passage to mark the transition to adulthood. In the United States, […]

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Infomation Systems Design and Management

A music store owner wants to have enough of the hottest CDs in stock so people who come to buy a particular CD won’t be disappointed – and the store won’t lose the profit. CDs that are not sold within a certain length of time go onto the sale table where they may have to […]

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1.“Syllogisms”  Please respond to the following:  The following discussion questions refer to the activity assigned under the “Readings” section for this week.  ·                                 Explain the thinking process you used to identify the categorical propositions in these syllogisms. ·                                 Identify any premises or conclusions with which you did not agree or which you believe to be […]

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Dante Inferno Assignment

In this assignment you are to write a 5 paragraph essay on Dante’s time in the 9th circle. The assignment must be in MLA format. In the introduction you may include about what lead them to the 9th circle and why was he traveling to different circles in the poem. In the body make sure […]

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This project is completed in three stage

This project is completed in three stages. The first two assignments (Stages I and II of the project) are worth 100 points each. The final project (Stage III) is worth 280 points. Stage I is due Week 2. Stage II is due Week 5. Stage III, the Final Project, is due Week 7. Theory: There […]

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TCOs The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally

1. (TCOs 2, 4, 5, 6) The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed or assisted for the greater happiness of all concerned reflects what type of ethics? (Points : 5) Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean Kant’s Categorical Imperative (in the 2nd Formulation) Thomas Aquinas’s concept of conscience Rand’s concept […]

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   Assume that you have been appointed as the Speaker of the House. You must deliver a speech about the current state of the U.S. macroeconomy to a number of amateur reporters who are unfamiliar with economics.   Prepare a 950 word speech in simple terms and concepts that focus on international trade and foreign exchange rates.   Integrate […]

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please help me. Part I(50 Pts.) As the compensation analyst for the relatively new Omega Corporation, you are to price a pay structure. Information is provided to you below and includes the points for each job (which was obtained through a job evaluation) and salary rate midpoint data (obtained through a salary survey) for each […]

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Business, innovation

The Course Project requires you to practice the development of a new product/service. You will have to generate your idea for an innovative, new product/service. Ideas come from many sources – your imagination, recognizing a void in the marketplace, changes in environmental factors (political, economic, social, technical), friends, relatives, and so on. Once you have […]

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other income and deductions including RESP

Assignment Program Nine -5 (other income and deductions including RESP) we need the whole answer Katrina Watts is 42 years old and has custody of her two children from a previous marriage. The son is 11 years old and the daughter is 9 years old. They are both in good health. She is currently married […]

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