
Four Business Discussion Questions DQ1, DQ2, DQ3, DQ4

  DQ 1 – Week 6 Thread What are some real-world examples of ethical and unethical practices you have read about, seen in the news, or encountered at your workplace? What were the outcomes of those practices? DQ 2 – Week 6 Thread Consider the internally and externally focused practices of the organization for which […]

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Application of Epidemiology to Obesity

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Analyze the obesity problem in the U.S. as compared to another developed country in which the obesity problem is not as significant. Include factors such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Hypothesize the reason why the rate […]

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Assignment 1: Putting the Puzzle Together

  Every group, whether social or professional, has roles that need to be filled in order for the group to function effectively. Sometimes, people choose the role they want to play. At other times, people may naturally fall into a role without even realizing it. Research group roles or group dynamics using your textbook, the […]

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Internet search

nternet Search Access the internet and locate a health care insurance company website.  Write a two- to- three page paper based on the health care insurance company summarizing the company’s: a.   Member services b.   New/current/upcoming technology c.   Accreditation and/or certification d.   Patient incentives and provider outreach e.   Two factors that are thought provoking that detail the insurance companies’ commitment to […]

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Assignment 1: What Works for You?

  We communicate daily in our personal and professional lives. How we communicate with our friends and family differs from how we communicate in the workplace. Consider how you react and what communication skills you use and answer the following questions: 1. How do you communicate with superiors, subordinates, and peers? Are the elements of […]

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Branding, Pricing, and Distribution

Build marketing plan, this assignment focuses on branding, pricing, and distribution of product and service.  (4-5) page paper in which: Create the domestic and global product branding strategy. Determine and detail the optimum pricing strategy. Examine how your pricing strategy supports your branding strategy. Prepare a distribution channel analysis identifying the wholesaler, distributor, and retailer relationships […]

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World Literature Research paper 8 pages deadline is 18 August 2013 no extensions 4 Jouranal sources

Please extend the research you have done for your annotated bibliography and write an interpretation of some aspect of one or more of the works assigned for this class. (Example: A comparative analysis of the female characters in “Paradise Lost”. This essay should have a strong thesis statement (placed at the end of the first paragraph) […]

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Emerging Economies and Globalization

Background Markets in developed economies are approaching saturation level. Therefore, MNCs are searching for new untapped markets in emerging countries such as India and China. Since the healthcare industry will continue to grow in the future due to the size of the global population and its age composition, General Electric Healthcare (GEH) is trying to […]

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Assignment 2: Design Communications Manual

  You have been appointed the vice president of the human resources department at a fictional multinational organization. It is your job to design the framework for a communications manual for this organization. The communications manual should contain best practices, company recommendations and scenarios all targeted at organizational communication. The board of directors wants to […]

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Assignment 2: Combining Content, Argument, and Structure – The Workshop

  The workplace has become increasingly diverse and global. This diversity has dramatically changed the dynamic of the workplace over the last 50 years. Regardless of race, ethnicity, and gender, people want to be treated fairly. Research workplace harassment using the following resources: The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2002, June 27). Facts about sexual […]

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