
Rhetorical Analysis

Your assignment is as follows: Research one of the following famous moments of persuasion and then describe the circumstances of the appeal; what the historical situation was, what issues were at stake, what the purpose of the address was, and what made the particular speech memorable. 1. Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” (1863) {The turning point […]

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Life Span Development Discussions

Discussion 1: 1. Evaluate a television shows for gender-role stereotyping. Choose shows that children tend to watch. Please record the following information: a. number of male and female main characters b. personality characteristics of one male and one female from the show (use the Bem Sex-Role Inventory to determine masculinity, femininity, or androgyny) 2. Begin […]

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accounting assingment on SAP (ERP) DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING, FINANCE & ECONOMICS 7 1 5 0AFE Business Information Systems SAP PROJECT 2 This project requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the SAP ERP System. It covers the General Ledger, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable PREPARATION Review SAP lectures and workshop materials (weeks 4 – 8 […]

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Cultural Diversity

Create a presentation (using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or another presentation software as approved by your instructor) about your personal background and identity.   Identify two or three social categories you identify with that you are comfortable sharing.   Include the following:   · Illustrate the racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, or other social categories or groups you […]

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Global business management

The Ventus Story The Philippines’ largest telephone company— Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company ( PLDT)— ventured into the call- center business in 2001 to leverage the company’s telecommu-nications investments and diversify its sources of revenues. As Manuel Pangilinan, PLDT’s chairman, noted, With the continued decline in the settlement rates for long distance calls and given […]

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Thanks for the information, Brandi. :o)  I think I understand a little bit about why play might be important to build my child’s imagination and help him learn to communicate.I don’t understand, though, why having an imagination is important at school.   Why does my son need to play “make believe” to be able to […]

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mat 540 3 mulitple choice questions

Let’s say that a life insurance company wants to update its actuarial tables. Assume that the probability distribution of the lifetimes of the participants is approximately a normal distribution with a mean of 72 years and a standard deviation of 5 years. What proportion of the plan participants are expected to survive to see their […]

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Power point Presentation

Step 1: Choose 2–3 tasks from the following list: Give a grammar refresher including use of tense, pronoun shifts, run on sentences, capitalization, and commonly confused words.  Describe effective writing techniques, including addressing the appropriate audience and the writing process. Discuss commonly used terminology in the use of computers in the office and why it is important […]

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Deliverable Length: 800–1,000 words Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE:

Deliverable Length: 800–1,000 words Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in […]

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hypotheses 2

1. A firm that produces light bulbs claims that their lightbulbs last 1500 hours, on average. You wonder if the average might differ from the 1500 hours that the firm claims. To explore this possibility you take a random sample of n = 25 light bulbs purchased from this firm and record the lifetime (in […]

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