
discussion questions responses

sandra Theauthor James B. Twitchell talked about the luxury and the related role are the same in the society. According to him, the world is now moving towards unnecessary utilities that are not mandatory for the person. He defines luxury as any utility that might give a bit of happiness in the short term but […]

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Cultural, Ethical, and Other Considerations Impacting Research Efforts

Charles Draper, Centervale’s Chief of Police, must introduce policies that positively impact the control and management of illegal immigration in his city. He is without the knowledge base needed to develop policy and has turned to you for assistance with research in one of the following areas: Surveillance techniques: Chief Draper is aware of many […]

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Cultural differences

Create a 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (not including cover and reference slide) explaining how understanding differences in values across cultures can be used by managers when interacting with employees from different countries. After reading the section in Chapter 5 on international values, select one country, then research the Kaplan library or Internet to find […]

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ITC4780 Unit IV Assessment

need help with this Question 1   Compare and contrast a progress report versus a status report. Describe the means and timing by which each is delivered. Your response should be at least 75 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, […]

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    Experiment 2 Collision — Conservation of Momentum and Kinetic Energy Procedure: 1. Go to http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14e/collision.htm . 2. Read the instruction. 3. If the Elastic Collision button is not checked, then click on. 4. Click reset – then change the values of M1, M2, V1b , and V2b to the values given in Table 1. […]

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Plessy vs. Ferguson

After reading the landmark decisions of Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896) and Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), discuss the following in a paper of 7-9 pages:   What factors influenced each of these decisions?Read the dissenting opinions as well.Explore to what extent political ideology influences constitutional law.To support your points, identify specific examples in the […]

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Discussion Thread Question: Interpreting Criminal Justice Statistical Output

Dan Darpa, director of homeland security for the City of Centervale, has returned from a recent conference at which one of the presenters referenced a study by Strom, Hollywood, and Pope (2009) that explored how 911 calls might be early indicators of potential terrorist threats. Thinking that this information might have direct relevance to homeland […]

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Armed Assault

Assume a law enforcement officer has probable cause to arrest a defendant for armed assault, and he also has probable cause to believe that the person is hiding in a third person’s garage, which is attached to the house.   What warrants, if any, does the officer need to enter the garage to arrest the […]

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Two Discussion Questions

  150-200 words per discussion question Due on Wedsneday at 3:00pm (pst) No plagarism. The instructor will use Turn It In.   Thank you!   DQ1 Both Freud and Erikson focused on the infant’s early development in terms of the effect of interactions with the caregivers. In narrative format compare Freud’s and Erikson’s theories. How […]

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Here. Tell me what you think. Chapter 7/~$Chap 7 x Chapter 7/Passing Solution.zip laPassing Solution/Passing Project/App.config laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.exe laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.exe.config laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.pdb laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.vshost.exe laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.vshost.exe.config laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.vshost.exe.manifest laPassing Solution/Passing Project/bin/Debug/Passing Project.xml PassingProject Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides […]

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