

  For this assignment consider the 4 points below in forming your response. Write a brief paragraph (3-4 sentences) on each of the 4 points laying out you reasoning.       1.     The mediator has to be careful not to validate the factual contentions of either disputant.     2.     How does the mediator guide the […]

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In-Game Economy Assignment

What I am needing is a working economy within my story for a game.  There are a total of ten questions that need to be answered pertaining to the economy in the story to keep it balanced.  An Excel spreadsheet needs to be included showing the inventory system and an explanation of the inventory and […]

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AC Parallel RLC Circuit

I have Attached instructions Below   Observations/Measurements:   III. A. 1. RLC Circuit Calculated Impedance and Admittance Values:   Frequency Hz Susceptance, Siemens Inductive, BL Capacitive, BC 550    1000     Frequency                  Hz Total Circuit AC Admittance, YT Complex Notation Magnitude Angle 550    1000      Frequency                  Hz Total Circuit AC Impedance, ZT Complex NotationMagnitudeAngle550   1000       […]

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psychology need it bf midnight it is 9am my time

Directions:  Answer each of the following 3 prompts.  Make sure you answer all questions under the prompt you choose to receive full credit.  Answers should be insightful and use information from the text or other sources to back up your argument.  Make sure you cite your sources.  Each prompt should be a minimum of 250 […]

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Assignment Marketing

Each Task contains videos and questions for discussion… Words limit …350-450 words for every tasks  Due date . 21/09/13     Task 1.. Types of Sampling Techniques   Location: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rASK8PpqakM    Concept: A video showing the different probability sampling approaches one can use to select a sample.    Description: Goes over some examples of probability sampling in a classroom […]

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Documented Essay on two cases of overobedience to military authority in wartime

Essay 1 is a documented essay. Use one of the online sources on My Lai or Abu Ghraib, listed in this lesson’s work, in addition to at least one of the essays on the Milgram and Zimbardo experiments in our textbook. Use your handbook (MLA section) when preparing citations and a Works Cited page. Topic: […]

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Documented Essay on two cases of overobedience to military authority in wartime

 Essay 1 is a documented essay. Use one of the online sources on My Lai or Abu Ghraib, listed in this lesson’s work, in addition to at least one of the essays on the Milgram and Zimbardo experiments in our textbook. Use your handbook (MLA section) when preparing citations and a Works Cited page. Topic: […]

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For this task, you will have 3 primary responsibilities or deliverables:

For this task, you will have 3 primary responsibilities or deliverables: Identify and clearly describe an ethical issue. Articulate a code of ethics that you feel is appropriate to address the ethical issue. Apply your code of ethics, along with concepts of leadership and integrity to arrive at your ultimate resolution to the ethical issue […]

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OPS 571 Week 1 Individual Assignments Process Design Flowchart / UoP

Design a Flowchart for a Process Prepare and submit a 1,000-1,200 word analysis paper that accomplishes the following objectives:   1) Select a process that you perform daily but would like to spend less time doing, such as driving to work. 2) Design a flowchart using an appropriate tool. 3) Comment on the factors that […]

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Powe point

     IndividualCase Manager Interview PresentationCreate a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation about your interview with a case manager.Interview a case manager about his or her role in coordinating services for clients. At a minimum, include answers to the following questions in your presentation: ·         How important is it to network and collaborate with other providers?·         […]

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