
Week 6 java Assignment

Week 6 Assignment Need the following java program Test Cases (5 points): Create a list of test cases for each assigned exercise. Refer to Developing Test Cases in the Getting Started Module for instructions on how to develop a full set of test cases. Exception handling should be used on all numeric input. Exercise 1. […]

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week 10 java

Exception handling should be used on all numeric input and when searching the array(s).    Exercise 1. (20 points):The Billy Goat Fast-Food restaurant sells the following products: Product   Price   Fat (grams)   Cheeseburger   $2.49  23   Pizza   $2.75  15   Fries   $1.50  25   Salad   $4.25  1   Chips   […]

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Week 7 java

Exercise 1. (20 points):  Nim:  The game of Nim starts with a random number of stones between 15 and 30. Two players alternate turns and on each turn may take either 1, 2, or 3 stones from the pile. The player forced to take the last stone loses. Create a Nim application that allows the […]

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Magic 8 Ball Game Visual Logic

1. Using Visual Logic, create the logic for a Magic 8 Ball game in which the user enters a question such as “What does my future hold?” The computer randomly selects one of eight possible vague answers, such as “It remains to be seen.” start   Declarations   num LIMIT = 8   num index […]

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3. Write a code segment that will analyze a numeric value provided by the user to determine if he or she is short, average height, or tall. Make sure to include the following in your code: · Display the message “Please enter your height in feet.” to the user. · Use the ReadLine() method to […]

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How is Technology Changing the Face of Business Today?

The traditional retail model has focused on finding high-margin, high-volume products or services because limited space means reduced space inventory. For example, organizations such as Walmart select the biggest hits from the broadest genres, called the “short head.” The short head means Walmart will only carry a select mix of country, pop, and rock that […]

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job at PB Incorporated (PBI)

Based on your new found knowledge and experience in problem solving and Java programming, you obtain a job at PB Incorporated (PBI), a company that sells peanut butter products. One of PBI’s packing plants has been doing exceptionally well. You have been asked to create a new program for the packing plant. Management of the […]

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Technology Supporting Business Processes

  Over the twentieth century, the ability to process information in terms of labor units has improved by a factor in the order of 1 to 5 trillion. This improvement represents a compounded growth rate of between 30 to 35 percent per year for a century. At the turn of the twentieth century, the mechanical […]

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Write a program that will check the salary of an employee in the Emp table.

  Write a program that will check the salary of an employee in the Emp table. Write the program such that it displays the employee number, name, job, salary, and department name, if the salary of the employee is greater than 3000. Also – Write a program that will check the prime number from 1 […]

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In 2006, 75.9% of first-year college students responding to a national survey said they used the Internet for research or…

In 2006, 75.9% of first-year college students responding to a national survey said they used the Internet for research or homework.  Administrators at a college believed first-year students used the Internet more frequently than students in 2006.  They find that 168 of an SRS of 200 first-year students said they used the Internet for research […]

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