
team assignment 200 words bshs 352

I have a team assignment due the assignment is listed below and my portion of the assignment is highlighted. Our team choose client services and this website http://www.clienttrack.com/…. Please let me know if you have any questions     Explain what are some of the functional areas of a human services organization. You can discover what […]

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Accounting homework attached need to show work

BUS3061 – Fundamental Accounting Principles U02a1 Template Instructions: Using the following designations for balance sheet categories, place the designator in the column next to the account title. · (CA) – Current Asset · (LTA) – Long-term Asset · (CL) – Current Liability · (LTL) – Long-term Liability · (EQ) – Equity Account Title Balance Sheet […]

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Final Paper: Research Study (in any field of study)

Student will write a report (APA format) describing a research study in their area of study. This report will include the introduction, participants/sampling method, procedures, data analysis, and results/conclusions.   IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see the attached documents for project details and expectations, Please also see Final Project Rubric in the attachmed files. PLEASE READ THE […]

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need these two questions answered 150 words or more

1. Consider a social problem of interest to you.  Speculate about the causes of that social problem and about potential solutions to that problem.  Make an attempt to formulate a theory that could potentially explain how the problem arises.  Now make that abstract theory into concrete hypotheses.  Don’t get hung up on making this a […]

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need help for natural disasters

need 2 assignment one is for my extra credit  due date is tmw  new york time  now is 3:38pm in here   Natural Disasters Article #1You are required to find a significant natural disaster event that has occurred in the past (the more recent the better). This will necessitate you locating and evaluating technical information from […]

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Future of the Juvenile Justice System Proposal and Presentation

 The bold points are what i need done about 550 words total and then three slides on those topics Write a 1,750- to 2,250-word proposal addressing the following scenario: You are on a team of juvenile justice consultants creating a proposal that will be presented to the state legislature concerning the future of the juvenile […]

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See attached files MA1310: Week 5 Law of Sines and Cosines This lab requires you to: · Use the Law of Sines to solve oblique triangles. · Use the Law of Cosines to solve oblique triangles. · Use Heron’s formula to find the area of a triangle. · Solve applied problems. Answer the following questions […]

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urban paragraph

1- Read the article by Wes Janz.  Then, go to “You Tube” and type in “plant closing” in the search area.  Watch and report on several clips about a plant closing.  What kind of plant was it?  How many workers lost their jobs?  What were the effects on the community?   2- Read the article […]

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english homework

i want summary about gang of 40. i attached the exmple and how to do it .You will read a NYTimes opinion piece, “Gang of 40,” by Nicholas B. Kristof and write a short essay summarizing, with utter neutrality, the piece’s argument;       Length: 1/3rd of the original’s 786-word length; Style: MLA;   Gang of […]

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Quick Answers to Problems

  1.    The national unemployment rate in a recent month was 4.9 percent. You think the rate may be different in your city, so you plan a sample survey that will ask the same questions as the Current Population Survey.  Consider p as the local employment rate. Identify the null and the alternative hypotheses that […]

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