
226 math

226-f2013midterm3   8.For  atrip  youpack  5shirts  and  3pairs  ofpants,  and  two  jackets.Assumingeverything  canbewornwitheverything  else,howmanydif-ferentcombinations  canyouwear? 9.Supposeyouhave6pictures,  andyouwanttoarrange4ofthemalongawall.Inhowmanydifferentwayscanyouarrange  them? 10.Abasketball  squadhas12players. (a)  Ifallplayerscanplayanyposition,howmanywayscanateamoffivebechosen?(b)  Ifonlyfourplayersoutofthe12areabletobethecenter,  howmanywayscanateam  bechosen? 11.Aboxcontains  3marbles:  1red,  1green,  and  1blue.   Consider  anexperiment  thatconsists  oftaking  1marble  fromthe  boxand  thenreplacingitintheboxanddrawingasecondmarblefromthebox. (a)  Describethesamplespace. (b)  Describethesamplespace,whenthesecondmarbleisdrawnwith-outreplacingthefirstmarble. 12.Agameconsisting  offlippingacoinendswhenthe  player  getstwo headsinarow,twotailsinarow,orflipsthecoinfourtimes. (a)  Drawatreediagramtoshowthewaysinwhichthegamecanend.(b)  Inhowmanywayscanthegameend? 13.Twodicearethrown.  LetEbethe  eventthat  the  sumofthe  diceisodd,letFbetheeventthat  atleastoneofthedicelandson1,andletGbetheeventthat  thesumis5.Describetheevents (a)  E ∩F (b)  E∪F(c)  F∩G(d)  E∩F0(e)E∩F∩G 14.Threecoinsaretossed. […]

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CJA 364 Week 5 DQ ( CJA 364 Week 5 Discussion Question ) ( CJA/364 Week 5 Discussion Question )

CJA364 Week 5 DQ’s 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (***** 6 Pages + APA Format + References *****)   CJA 364 Week 5 DQ 1   Define the pretrial process. How does the pretrial process work? How can you improve the overall proceedings of the pretrial process?   CJA 364 Week 5 DQ 2 […]

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Define the pretrial process. How does the pretrial process work? How can you improve the overall proceedings of the pretrial process?

CJA 364 Week 5 Discussion Question  (***** 6 Pages + APA Format + References *****)   CJA 364 Week 5 DQ 1   Define the pretrial process. How does the pretrial process work? How can you improve the overall proceedings of the pretrial process?   CJA 364 Week 5 DQ 2   What is pretrial […]

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need help write essay (1000 word)

  While Abraham Lincoln and john f. Kennedy were superior national leaders, everyday persons also take on the responsibilities and risks of leadership, as illustrated by the characters Jesus in Brady Udall’s “ He becomes Deeply and Famously Drunk” and Robert, the blind man, in Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral.” On the other hand, lieutenant jimmy cross […]

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Choose a public company in the food industry. Analyze the financial statements and assess whether the financial performance has improved or declined year-over-year. Analysis techniques include the following: Comparative financial statements Trend analysis Ratio analysis Percentage analysis Presentation of 8 PowerPoint slides that includes the following: At least 3 slides relevant to the analysis prepared An […]

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Dq’s due in 24 hours 100% Plagarism FREE

I need all answers to be 100% Plagarism FREE, 200 word count. 1.) Week 1 Price and Income Elasticity of Demand As Colander discusses in the textbook, luxury goods will have an elastic price elasticity of demand and necessities will have fewer substitutes which can make them less elastic. A necessity will always have a […]

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International Economics Paper Assignment

Need this assignment to be completed in detailed using economics vocabulary, following instructions and no plagerism. Will only accept handshakes from those who have good ratings and have an economics background. No late work please! It’s 3 page paper excluding works cited which must be included as instructed. International economics Paper topics and format The objective […]

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Investigating Data Theft

Investigating Data Theft   Suppose a large aerospace engineering firm has immediately hired you as a consultant to investigate a potential violation of corporate policy and data theft. You have been informed that an employee may have been using corporate email to send confidential corporate information to one or more personal email accounts, which may […]

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If you are using the Blackboard Mobile Learn IOS App, please click “View in Browser.”Click the link above to submit your assignment.Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Assignment 4: Internet Technology, Marketing, and SecurityDue Week 8 and worth 190 […]

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complete 2000 word essay/ 7 pages

Please read the attachment. Please make sure all sources that are needed for the paper are in.   If the paper requires text, make sure it’s there. Please have strong ideas to support the paper as well. the professor is very picky so please ace the paper. Target length: 7 pages, double spaced (2000 words) […]

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