
ACT300 Portfolio Project: Kelly Consulting Practice Set

act300_portfolio_project_kelly_consulting_practice_set_question xfinal_project_q_for mat.xlsx ACT300Portfolio Project:KellyConsultingPractice Set You are given the following information:     ·Post closing trialbalancefor April 30, 2008   ·Transactions for themonthofMay2008and adjustingentriesforMay2008    The followingcan be download fromtheModule8 Assignment page ortheCourse Information page 1.Journal page tocopy anduse 2.Ledger pagetocopy and use 3.Portfolio Project ExcelSpreadsheet templatewith accountspre-entered   See Attachment ACT300 Portfolio Project: Kelly […]

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You are an accountant for The Flower Shoppe. Your supervisor has asked you to help her prepare the year-end financial statements. Before you do, she wants to ensure that you understand some main points. Explain the following:The elements of the balance sheet, their purposes, and how to measure themThe elements and purpose of the statement […]

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ASSIGNMENT 08 A03 Principles of Accounting II

A03 Principles of Accounting IIPart A (5 points each for a possible total of 15 points)The following information is given for Tripp Company, which uses the indirect method.Net income                                                    $20,000Depreciation expense                                  3,000Increase in accounts receivable                 2,000Payment of dividends                                 2,000Proceeds from sale of equipment            6,000Increase in accounts payable                     4,000Decrease in inventory                                 3,000 From the information provided, answer […]

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Who can do this assignment

Generate a chart or table that lists a variety of crime types. Your chart should include at least four types of crimes and should include violent crimes and economic crimes as two of the types. For each type of crime you list, provide a description of the cause of that type of crime. A third […]

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Marketing (25 Multiple Choice Question)

1)    _______ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.  A.        A marketing information system  B.        A marketing research system  C.        A marketing intelligence system  D.        A promotional campaign  E.         A marketing database   2)         […]

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5 Page Essay on Jazz Musician Duke Ellington

A research paper of 5 pages about Duke Ellington, a jazz musician, and how he affected jazz and influenced many other jazz musician. I need GOOD CITATIONS – AT LEAST 4 –  – AND REFERENCE (REFERENCE PAGE). APA   I NEED 0% PLAGIARISM!! TURNING THIS IN THROUGH TURNITIN.COM!!!!!   SHOULDN’T HAVE TO SAY THAT THOUGH, […]

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due monday

University of Phoenix Material  Week Two Quiz   Directions: Select the correct answer for each question.   1.     information about models of service delivery is important to human service professionals because a.     they are likely to be working with professionals who practice other models b.     agencies hire those who are skilled in more than one […]

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Quetion in uploaded information

QUESTION Professional organizations that are specific to career areas are a common way that professionals stay in touch with current issues in their field. For instance, the Business and Professional Women (BPW) is a common group in many cities. They offer workshops, conferences, and meetings that provide opportunities for training, skill building, and networking. Professional […]

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Quetion in uploaded information

QUESTION “I attend professional conferences and meetings whenever possible to keep my knowledge and skills current. I read trade magazines; carry them in my car to read during down times so I can keep abreast of trends, issues, and new rules and regulations.” – Andrea L. Lee, DPA A. Lee, Professional Questionnaire, November 28, 2012 […]

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Quetion in uploaded information

QUESTION Imagine yourself in the following case scenario. You are the teacher of a 5-year-old whose parents are going through a very controversial divorce. The mother has been a model parent and always helps out in your class. She seems very loving and concerned. The father often comes into school raging and complaining. He talks […]

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