
Independent Physician Office

  For this two-part Assignment, analyze vendors who compete in the HIT software marketplace using the Independent Physician Office Ambulatory EMR Scenario in your Learning Resources. After assessing the capabilities and limitations of at least three possible vendor solutions, for Part 2, you will make a recommendation to your leadership team colleagues on which one […]

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New Product Development Process

  The New Product Development Process In preparation for a presentation to the CEO of the organization next week on a product development strategy, prepare the following paper: Choose a product (not a service) which means it must be tangible. Prepare a paper addressing the following tasks on your selected product. Checklist: Describe your new product. […]

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Assignment Asthma

  Review “Asthma” in Chapter 26 of the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Consider how these disorders are similar and different. Select a patient factor different from the one you selected in this week’s Discussion: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Think about how the […]

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  I have uploaded the outline and the U. S. History Opentax Book to complete this assignment. please use it to do this assignment!! Assignment 2.2: Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Final Paper   Due Week 10 and worth 140 points      You have already developed a thesis statement and an outline in which  you […]

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Medicaid Health Program

 American Health Care Essay In this unit, we learned about different institutions like family, education, religion, and health care that influence society. For the Unit VII assignment, you will answer a series of response questions applying concepts you learned in this unit and previous units regarding sociological perspectives, groups, and social structures. The following concepts […]

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Assignment 2 Decision Making Gone Awry

  Sometimes social influences and societal pressures can influence decision making for the better and sometimes for the worse. In addition to these pressures, there are risks that need to be evaluated and measured when making decisions. In this assignment, you will reflect on decisions you made using social influence, persuasion, and risk taking that […]

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Unprofessional Conduct

  This assignment will give you the  opportunity to choose a case study, and then write about the ethical  implications and the impact of the events that are described. Each case  study includes a set of questions that you should answer. You can choose  either Case Study 9.1: Unprofessional Conduct, or Case Study 8.4:Have  Gun […]

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Innovation Based Solutions

  Students will have the opportunity to research a company and industry to conceptualize forming a new division of an existing company based on a new product or service. You will create a new divising (and product) for one of the following companies: Uber Mercedes Outback Steakhouse Amazon Apple United Airlines The assigned text and […]

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Assignment 1 Models for Competitive Dynamics

  Competition has, since the 90s, led to wider gaps between industry leaders and laggards. There are more “winner-take-all” environments and greater churns among industry sector rivals. We have witnessed sharp increases in quality and quantity of IT (Information Technology) investments. We’ve seen striking competitive dynamics, particularly in sectors that spend the most on IT. […]

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Public Policy Argument Mapping

  Create an argument map based on the influence diagram presented in Case 1.3 and complete all the criteria provided in the exercise, beginning with this claim: “The U.S. should return to the 55- mph speed limit in order to conserve fuel and save lives.”   Include in the map as many warrants, backings, objections, […]

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