
Basic questions

Answer the following questions using 150 words or more. 1. Confucius taught that our love should be strongest for our relatives and our friends. In contrast, Mo Tzu taught that universal love should not be partial to some over others. How do these competing concepts depict moral obligation? Support your answer using examples from your […]

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For this assignment, review the three video interviews comparing strengths and limitations of interviewer and interviewee skills in this week’s Learning Resources. Based on what you read in your Weekly Learning Resources, consider how interviewing techniques could be used to interview a person you might be interested in interviewing. After reading your resources this week, […]

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Poem Analysis

a three page double spaced essay. Poem  analysis. Please do not use outside sources and please use poetry vocabulary. due 01/15/2018 Assignment: Close Reading #2 LCS 352 / Studies in Poetry / Winter 2018 Instructor: Eric Paul Final Draft Due: 1/16 Topic: Choose one of the following poems: “The Sudden Light and The Trees” by […]

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Descriptive Statistics SLP Mod 2

   For the second SLP, using the data that you collected for the Module 1 SLP, please do the following: 1. Calculate the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation of the measurements taken in Module 1 SLP. Show your work and be sure to express each value in units. 2. Discuss which measure of […]

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Virtues and happiness essay

Virtues help shape our aspirations for what sort of person we want to be. In an essay of 1,000 to 1,400 words, discuss how cultivating a virtuous disposition may help you achieve your goals, both personally and professionally. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of what you have learned from the text as you address these questions. […]

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English Posting

200-300 words on “Rip Van Winkle”  Author:  Irving, Washington Our reading from our lessons discusses a number of different elements of writing, including character, setting, point of view, tone, symbolism, style, and theme. For this forum, Choose one of these elements of writing that you feel is important to the story; Explain one way in […]

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Assignment 2: The Pathophysiology of Disorders During the last 5 weeks, you have explored various body systems: neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematological. These four systems work together along with other body systems to complete a myriad of functions. For this reason, when disorders occur within one body system, it can create potentially devastating effects throughout […]

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Assignment 1: Gastrointestinal Tract: Disorders of Motility Jamie is a 3-month-old female who presents with her mother for evaluation of “throwing up.” Mom reports that Jamie has been throwing up pretty much all the time since she was born. Jamie does not seem to be sick. In fact, she drinks her formula vigorously and often […]

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Assignment 3: Researching Scenarios – AU COM106

  Assignment 3: Researching Scenarios Throughout the course of your academic career, you will be asked to conduct research to support the assertions you make in papers, presentations, and projects. Sometimes getting at the material you will need is fairly straightforward, while other times the research process forces you to get a little creative in […]

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Short Fiction Essay

Please also incorporate the literary vocabulary discussed, most specifically the elements of fiction: “ The Elements of Fiction ” and “Elements of Fiction.”  Please use New Criticism to interpret your chosen short story within your essay; that is, you should offer a close reading of your chosen short story. Please cite from your chosen short […]

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