

1 page in 5 hours This paper is discussing the criminal case involving the Emmett Till murder case. Its a ONE page and please ensure that 7+ sources are used for the annotated bibliography M1A1: Paper 1 Topic Selection The essence of this assignment is to address the issues, legal considerations, and concepts that arise […]

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2 pages due in 6 hours

Hello, this is my group work. I need 2 pages for the section written insert text here. The other sections already done. It’s due in 6 hours. Whatever you write has to be in line with what is already done.  Assignment: Refer to the University of Phoenix Material: Learning Team Final Project document for instructions […]

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  Science Meets Real Life Humans are naturally inquisitive and have always asked questions about the world around them. Many questions could not be answered due to a lack of available technology, but many others could be answered through the process of trial and error. Over time, the way humans ask and answer questions about […]

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01_macdonaldization/module_02/09_dropbox_journal_1_fast_food.html Journal Entry: Fast-Food Chains This is the first of four journal entries that you are required to complete as part of this course. Instructions In Chapter 2, George Ritzer explains that fast-food chains have become so popular because they fit with our contemporary lifestyle. In this journal entry, you are going to examine whether […]

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U.S. Labor laws

   APA Format Traditionally, the activities of labor unions have supported the development of gains for the American worker. As labor unions negotiate with management, those gains set a standard for other non-union organizations. The U.S. has enacted a number of laws that protect workers such as the Civil Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Occupational […]

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COM201 wk2 d1

Listening and Your First Speech   Use what you’ve learned this week to respond to the following:   Complete the Listening Self-Evaluation in the SmartBook, Ch.3 pg.  54. Discuss why you were or weren’t surprised by the results. Identify  three habits that you want to work on and share your plan for how to  improve them.    Find […]

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english week 2

   Week 2 Discussion      “Thesis Statements” Please respond to the following: After reading Chapter 16, what did  you think of the steps for writing a thesis?   Explain at least one (1)  benefit of using this strategy. From Chapter 2, what prewriting  technique do you plan to use to help you write your thesis?  Why have  you […]

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SEC310 wk2 assig1

Case Study 1: Impetus of the DHS  Prior to the 9/11 attacks, there were a number of other “terrorist”  events that occurred on both U.S. soil and abroad. Read the article  discussing the Oklahoma City bombing, located at https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/oklahoma-city-bombing and the article discussing the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, located at http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2008/february/tradebom_022608 .  These events, […]

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As the diversity manager of a global company, you have developed a deep appreciation for the importance of understanding multi-cultural teams in the workplace. However, you know that some of the managers struggle with developing and managing multicultural teams in your company. There seems to be a need for company-wide information and training on the […]

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Bus 325

  Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.  Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.  Assignment 1: Culture Due Week 2 and worth 200 points Imagine you work for a company that has recently merged with a global company. Write a brief introduction to your […]

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