
(Java II) Project Using Git and GitHub with an IDE

In this project, you will learn to use some of the “team” features of your preferred IDE (Eclipse or NetBeans). We will use the “Git” source code control system to allow all members of the class to work on the same project at the same time, and then to merge in your changes. This is […]

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Argument essay topic: 2 yr college admissions requirements

      Essay Requirements & Guidelines: Formal Essay Outline and a thesis statement, title & subtitle are required. The essay should have 5 scholarly sources, an annotated bibliography and a works cited page. A minimum of 3 double spaced pages in a 12 point font with 1-inch margins and a heading is required for this essay. […]

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Another assignment

  Assignment 1: Discussion—The Business Plan A convincing business plan will detail the strategy and the future operational plans of an entity. Business plans are an essential part of the start-up information needed for an organization. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the necessary aspects of a professional business plan. Tasks: Respond […]

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Senior Accountant Scenario

Use the two word docs attached to complete the assignment ATTACHMENT 1 INSTRUCTIONS: Contains scenario and instructions for completing the assignemnt ATTACHMENT 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Contains 3 financial statements that will be used to complete the assignment DISCUSSION: Large discount retailers like Target and Walmart employ large teams of Finance and Accounting professionals to help […]

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Response to Peer Discussion question

 Children as Research Subjects  John Lantos summarizes the views of three specific researchers regarding the subject of child involvement in clinical research and the level of consent required to participate. Lantos describes that Beecher, a well-respected researcher in the 1960’s and 70’s, was torn on the idea of experimental trials involving minors. Beecher agreed that […]

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Critical Thinking Homework (VII)

Complete the following assignment on the American movie “Super Size Me” In these films, very specific claims are made on information, inferences, and judgments. Do you agree? What is your analysis of the main argument’s strengths and weaknesses?  If you do agree with the film’s conclusions, what information, inferences, or judgments carry the most […]

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Response to Peer Discussion question

 Reuse of Human Specimens COLLAPSE Key Issues: Research on biological specimens is ever growing. With genetic and unspecified future research becoming more common, there is need for increased regulatory oversight for the use of biological specimens (and PHI). In the article, Ethical issues in the export, storage and reuse of human biological samples in biomedical […]

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Response to Peer Discussion question

 Human Biological Sample Ethics  Upon review of “Ethical issues in the export, storage and reuse of human biological samples in biomedical research: perspectives of key stakeholders in Ghana and Kenya,” there are several key issues identified in the trial in regards to bio-specimens (Tindana, P., Molyneux C., Bull, S., & Parker, M., 2014). The first […]

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Who’s can help me in this homework? and the due is after 5 hours.

  The prequel assignment is designed to give you an appreciation of both the scope and impact of dirty data on an organization.  Perform various Internet searches to find relevant information.  Here are three articles to start with but you can find more. ·       http://www.digitalistmag.com/technologies/analytics/2015/05/01/high-costs-of-dirty-data-02677947 ·       https://hbr.org/2016/09/bad-data-costs-the-u-s-3-trillion-per-year ·       https://www.itbusinessedge.com/slideshows/five-ways-dirty-data-is-killing-marketing-performance.html ·       Using the material that you […]

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Critical Thinking Homework (VI)

Complete the following assignment on the American Movie “The Blind Side” These films raise questions about American society, ranging from racism and sexism to the fairness of the legal system. Explore the relationship between vengeance and justice in your movie. Argue for or against the acceptability of personal vengeance—the taking of revenge—in American society, using […]

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