
professional communication 1

   Professional Scenarios 1. Saban is a top performing industrial equipment salesperson for D2D. After three years of working with his best client, he receives a text message from Pat (his direct manager) assigning him to a completely different account.  Pat has received complaints that Saban gets all of the good clients and is not […]

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Then come here and choose one of the following to answer for 10 points. >< 1. Can you think of a fallacy you have seen in a TV commercial? If so, describe the ad, and say what you think the fallacy is. Name the fallacy is possible. You can even say, “I think it’s either […]

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working together

  When people work together in a group or a corporation, they learn about each other’s jobs and find more convenient ways to get the jobs done. We all learn within our systems of professional and personal learning. With this observation in mind, discuss organizational learning. Address the following: What is meant by the term […]

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phi 210 assignment part 2

please i need help Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1. 2. Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the Procon.org website that support your position    and explain why you selected these specific reasons. 3. Explain your answers to […]

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only for esperttutor / leadership /due date

Identification of a leader In this assignment, you will study the characteristics that define a leadership style, and how an effective leader can lead an organization to success.   The objectives of this assignment are: Identify the leadership style of the identified leader Identify leadership traits through one leader’s life Explain the role of power […]

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discussion board

                         In his 2001 article Good to Great, Jim Collins found 11 companies that went from good to great and metaphorically discussed how each of them did this. Of particular note was how Collins described the transformation of Wells Fargo. Using the Hedgehog Concept, Collins argued that leaders are hedgehogs, not foxes. Foxes are good […]

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Pressure, Temperature, Electricity, and Magnetism”

 Read the article titled “Aging US Power Grid Blacks Out More Than Any Other Developed Nation” under the Smart Grid terms section of the Science Corner. You can also view the article at http://www.ibtimes.com/aging-us-power-grid-blacks-out-more-any-other-developed-nation-1631086 . Next, assess the efficiency of the current state of the national electric grid in the United States. Then, describe the […]

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Data structure

(Use idle 3.6 python ) please  find a file  called WorldSeries.txt.  The format of this file is: Year,WinningTeam,League,Games,LosingTeam,League Write a menu-driven program with the following options: 1.    List all winning teams from the AL (list team name only once if they won more than 1 time) 2.    List all winning teams from the NL (list […]

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     Worldview Analysis Essay Instructions After completing the Activities 1 and 2, research one of the worldview policy outcomes (hate speech, abortion, etc.) and discuss it in 1 to 1/2 pages. Identify whether this piece of legislation either is currently being debated in Congress or has already been implemented and passed by Congress. Provide a […]

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Legal environment in business and ethical frameworks

THIS NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE NLT 1200 EST ON SUNDAY 28 JANUARY.  PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE IMAGES OR CHARTS. THE REQUIRED COURSE REFERENCE TO BE INCLUDED IS ATTACHED.  CO1 Assess the legal environment of business.  CO2. Explain how ethical frameworks shape business decisions. CO3  Compare forms of alternative dispute resolution. CO6 Distinguish the four forms […]

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