question 1)by
Kyndal Townsley
– Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 1:12 PM
Number of replies: 3
The President and the Senate have a very large role in selecting the judges. The President has the power to select and nominate the judges he would like. Then this nomination is then sent onto the Senate, where they can either approve or reject this judge. I think politics could into play in this situation, because the Senate is the one that votes on this nomination. If they do not like that person they will not vote for them, but if they like another person then they will vote for them instead. The Senate might have their own standards set for these people that they have to meet in order for the Senate to like them, and vote them into being a judge. Question 2) by
Olivia Bell
– Monday, April 18, 2022, 1:00 PM
Number of replies: 2
Supreme Court justices make decisions by reading legal briefings and listen to oral arguments. When the Court is all in agreement one of the court justices will be in charge of writing an opinion of the court, but if they all don’t agree there will be a majority opinion and dissenting opinion. Question 3) by
Cole Hanks
– Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 4:51 PM
Number of replies: 1
Marshall Court gives power to the judicial system to overturn laws that were passed by congress. This rivals what the founding fathers wanted, since it gives a great deal of power to the court system. Since the federal judges don’t have term limits, then the same few judges could drastically keep shutting down laws that went through the difficult process of getting made anyways. The courts were only intended to make judgements if something was unconstitutional or not.