Careington International

i need 4 pages about Careington International Corporation. the details are in the attached pdf

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Wiki Template Part-2: Gaps, lssues and New Strategy

BUSI 4940 – Business P


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c. proiect Future performance of the Firm Given the Challenges identified in “a’and “b” above:
Given your descriptions of this “current state” of the firm, what would you expect


to be like in the next few years if they do not make any changes to their strategy and/or

operations? Undertake the following:

l. Briefly describe the likely future state of the firm in words, showing where/how the issues
identified above are likely to affect the actions and outcomes of the firm.

ll. Use techniques taught in earlier classes {e.g., accounting, finance, marketing, etc’) to
project a 5-year pro forma income statement that assumes a logical progression of the

firm’s current strategic fit and performance levels’

SpecificallY, do the following:
o Use a S-Year timeframe
o Use the common-size (sometimes called “vertical analysis”) technique/tool to project

the performance of the firm over the next five years, assuming that (a) it makes no

changes to its current strategy or capabilities and, (2) industry changes will occur in

the direction predicted by you in Part-lA of the SBI process

o Provide this projection, in a table, and on a single page
o Use additionat sheets (if needed) to identify the “base components” line item used

in the computations of other line items, any assumptions made, and any

clarifications that are deemed necessary

Wiki Template Part-2: Gaps, lssues and New Strategy
BUSI 4940 – Business Poliry

PART 2.8


ln the previous steps, you evaluated the current fit in the company and, in doing so, highlighted the
major issues/problems faced by the firm. Your task now is to generate and evaluate possible solutions.
Given your previous work, you probably have a number of ideas of what the company “could do”. Note
that this is very different from what they “should do’f . Following the process outlined below will help
you move from generic “coulds” to justifiable “shoulds”.


This is where you can collect all your ideas, new and old, about what the company could do. Try to
brainstorm here, being open and not rejecting things at this point. The intent is to get all of the
ideas out on the table, and the only caveat is that the ideas be directed at solving the
issues/problems addressed in the previous step. However, do try to channel your thinking into two
broad categories:

Strategic Adjustments: These are changes in strategy components (goals, product focus/market,
focus, value proposition and core activities)that the firm could consider

Capability Changes: These are changes in org. capabilities that the firm could consider to
address the strategic adjustments proposed (above) by you.

Wiki Template Part-2: Gaps, lssues and New Strategy

BUSI 4940 – Business Policy


With all the ideas on the table, you now need to sort through and organize them into at least two

viable strategic proposals (you are welcome to do more than two if you want). For each proposal,

you need to document the following:
a. Describe the specific changes in strategic components being recommended
b. Clearly explain how and why you believe the proposal addresses the major issues/problems

facing the companY
c. Describe, in general, the changes to the current capabilities that need to be made so that the

firm can successfully implement its new strategy
d. tdentify {at least broadly)the impact that allthese changes would have on both the revenues

and expenses ofthe company. .

Note: While there can be some overlap in the two proposals, ihev need to be unique in substantive

wovs, ‘










Wiki Template Part-2: Gaps, lssues and
New Strategy

BUSI 4940 – Business Policy


well as any other thougi,, vou have to oet”rrni,i”

your preferred proposal’ Then answer the

following questions.

Which Proposal do You Prefer?

Wtry do You Prefer this ProPosal?

Which’proposal carries more risk?

what nright occur (inside or outside the
firm) that would make your Preferred Proposal



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