Healthcare Topics in Management
Healthcare Topics in Management -Analyze management issues related to insurance and managed care.
Please provide a 1-2 page essay about each of the topics below.
Each essay topic will have its own due date within the semester.
20 points total
APA Style- you will lose points for not adhering to citations and style.
Risk sharing
Utilization management
Pharmaceutical benefit management
Disease management
Behavioral health management
ESSAY Guidelines:
Define the topic and how it is significant in healthcare in 2024?
In the recent pandemic, how has the topic changed? For example, disease management was
impacted by COVID-19 because all disease prevention and control was examined significantly.
What is your career goal in healthcare? How will the topic play into your future role in
What change would you make to improve the topic in healthcare? How would you know that
this change made a positive impact?
2/17/24- Capitation
3/2/24- Risk sharing
3/9/24- Utilization management
4/6/24- Pharmaceutical benefit management
4/20/24- Disease management
4/27/24- Behavioral health management