C++ homework

Modify Assignment 5 to:

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  1. Replace the formatted output method (toString) with an overloaded output/insertion operator, and modify the driver to use the overloaded operator.
  2. Incorporate the capability to access movies by the movie number or by a search string, if this wasn’t part of your Assignment 5.
  3. Replace the getMovie(int) [or your solution equivalent] with an overloaded subscript operator ([ ]), which takes an integer and returns a Movie (or Movie reference).Account for an invalid movie number.



// Movie.h

#ifndef MOVIE_H

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#define MOVIE_H


using namespace std;


class Movie {

// data is private by default

    string title, studio;

long long boxOffice[3]; // World, US, non-US

short rank[3], releaseYear; // World, US, non-US

enum unit {WORLD, US, NON_US};





  string getTitle() const;

  string getStudio() const;

    long long getWorldBoxOffice() const;

    long long getUSBoxOffice() const;

    long long getNonUSBoxOffice() const;

    int getWorldRank() const;

    int getUSRank() const;

    int getNonUSRank() const;

    int getReleaseYear() const;

  string toString() const;


Movie(const Movie &); // private copy constructor blocks invocation




// Movies.h

#ifndef MOVIES_H

#define MOVIES_H

#include “Movie.h” // include Movie class definition

#include using namespace std; 

class Movies {

// data is private by default

static const int MAX_MOVIES = 1000;

Movie *movies;

short movieCnt;



int getMovieCount() const;

const Movie * getMovie(string, int&) const;

const Movie * getMovie(int) const;



void loadMovies(string);

string myToLower(string) const;






// MovieInfoApp.cpp

#include “Movie.h” // include Movie class definition

#include “Movies.h” // include Movies class definition





using namespace std; 

void main() {

Movies movies(“Box Office Mojo.txt”);

if(movies.getMovieCount() > 0) {

string movieCode;

cout << "Please enter the movie search string,\nentering a leading # to retrieve by movie number"

<< "\n or a ^ to get the next movie (press Enter to exit): ";

getline(cin, movieCode);

if (movieCode.length() > 0) {


mn = 0;

const Movie * m;

do {

if(movieCode[0] != ‘#’ && movieCode[0] != ‘^’)

m = movies.getMovie(movieCode, mn);


if(movieCode[0] == ‘#’){ // get by number

mn = stoi(movieCode.substr(1));

m = movies.getMovie(mn);

} else if(movieCode[0] == ‘^’) // get next movie

m = movies.getMovie(++mn);

if(m != nullptr) {

cout << m->toString()

<< "\n";

if(m->getWorldBoxOffice() > 0)

cout << setprecision(1) << fixed

<< "\n\tNon-US to World Ratio:\t"

<< (m->getNonUSBoxOffice() * 100.0) / 

m->getWorldBoxOffice() << "%\n" << endl;


cout << "No ratio due to zero World Box Office\n";


else {

cout << "\n Movie not found!\n\n" << endl;

mn = 0; } cout << "Please enter the movie search string,\nentering a leading # to retrieve by movie number" << "\n or a ^ to get the next movie (press Enter to exit): "; getline(cin, movieCode);

} while (movieCode.length() > 0);

} }} CPP FILE 

// Movie.cpp

#include “Movie.h” // include Movie class definition


using namespace std; 

Movie::Movie() {

title = studio = “”;

boxOffice[WORLD] = boxOffice[US] = boxOffice[NON_US] = 

rank[WORLD] = rank[US] = rank[NON_US] = releaseYear = 0;

Movie::Movie(string temp) {

istringstream iS(temp);

getline(iS, title, ‘\t’);

getline(iS, studio, ‘\t’);

iS >> releaseYear >> boxOffice[WORLD] >> boxOffice[US] >> boxOffice[NON_US] >>

rank[WORLD] >> rank[US] >> rank[NON_US];

string Movie::getTitle() const {return title;}

string Movie::getStudio() const {return studio;}

long long Movie::getUSBoxOffice() const {return boxOffice[US];}

long long Movie::getNonUSBoxOffice() const {return boxOffice[NON_US];}

long long Movie::getWorldBoxOffice() const {return boxOffice[WORLD];}

int Movie::getUSRank() const {return rank[US];}

int Movie::getNonUSRank() const {return rank[NON_US];}

int Movie::getWorldRank() const {return rank[WORLD];}

int Movie::getReleaseYear() const {return releaseYear;}


string Movie::toString() const {

ostringstream oS;

oS << "\n\n====================== Movie Information\n"

<< "\n             Movie Title:\t" << title << "  (" << releaseYear << ")"

<< "\n    US Rank & Box Office:\t" << rank[US] << "\t$" << boxOffice[US]

<< "\nNon-US Rank & Box Office:\t" << rank[NON_US] << "\t$" << boxOffice[NON_US]

<< "\n World Rank & Box Office:\t" << rank[WORLD] << "\t$" << boxOffice[WORLD]

<< "\n";

return oS.str();

Movie::Movie(const Movie &mP) { // copy constructor

this->title = mP.title;

this->studio = mP.studio;

this->releaseYear = mP.releaseYear;

this->rank[US] = mP.rank[US];

this->rank[NON_US] = mP.rank[NON_US];

this->rank[WORLD] = mP.rank[WORLD];

this->boxOffice[US] = mP.boxOffice[US];

this->boxOffice[NON_US] = mP.boxOffice[NON_US];

this->boxOffice[WORLD] = mP.boxOffice[WORLD];


// Movies.cpp

#include “Movie.h” // include Movie class definition#include “Movies.h” // include Movies class definition


using namespace std; 

Movies::Movies(string fn){loadMovies(fn);}


int Movies::getMovieCount() const {return movieCnt;}


const Movie * Movies::getMovie(string mc, int& mn) const {


return nullptr; // not found

else {

mc = myToLower(mc);

int ndx=0;




mn = ndx

return ndx


const Movie * Movies::getMovie(int mc) const {

return (mc > 0 && mc <= movieCnt)?&movies[mc-1]:nullptr;

Movies::~Movies() {

delete[] movies;

movies = nullptr;

void Movies::loadMovies(string fn) {

ifstream iS(fn);

string s;

getline(iS, s);

// skip heading

getline(iS, s);


movies = new Movie[MAX_MOVIES];

while(!iS.eof()) {

movies[movieCnt++] = Movie(s);

getline(iS, s); }



void Movies::reSize() {

Movie * m = movies;

movies = new Movie[movieCnt];

for(int i=0;i

movies[i] = m[i];

delete[] m; // null assignment not needed; end of method

string Movies::myToLower(string s) const {

int n = s.length();

string t(s);

for(int i=0;i

t[i] = tolower(s[i]);

return t;

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