Business Question

Introduction: Based on the feedback you received from faculty on your capstone summary in Assessment 1, you should now have a firm grasp on the scope of your project. In fact, if someone asks you what your project is about, you should have an “elevator speech” prepared. That is, you should have memorized 1–3 sentences that explain the topic, problem, and scope in a clear and concise way. With just these few sentences, explaining your project to someone while on a short elevator ride would be no trouble at all! Additionally, having such a clear vision will help you with this assessment and the project overall.

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For this assessment, you will formally propose your capstone project.

Preparation: Review the

MBA Capstone Project Description


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Assessment Description:Write a business proposal that formally proposes your capstone project and ends by asking for permission to continue, just as you might propose a project to a supervisor or client.

Include, at minimum, the following information:

Analyze a business challenge or opportunity.Include an introduction about your proposal.Summarize the capstone project topic, scope, and components; saying that your capstone will comprise a paper and presentation is not enough.Establish the premise of your paper; for example, if your plan is to talk about how Dillard’s department store can come back after a huge financial loss, you should include citations that establish its dramatic financial loss.Define the strategy, scope, and action plan that you will use to complete the capstone project.Provide a general action plan on how you will research, analyze, and identify recommendations or solutions to this business challenge or opportunity.Discuss the general type of data sources you will be using to inform your analysis. Provide at least two specific sources that you are considering. These resources should be from credible sources such as the Wall Street Journal, IBIS, et cetera. Use the excellent Research Guide – MBA for locating credible resources from the Capella library’s business databases and article collections.Include the process or steps on how you will access the data necessary for analysis of a business topic or challenge.Write a conclusion.Include a wrap-up that ensures your supervisor/client that your project will meet all requirements, be valuable to them, and be completed on time.Be sure to conclude by asking for permission to continue to the next step.

Your proposal should be organized using these sections:

  • Introduction.
  • Summary.
  • Discussion of the Proposal.
  • Strategy and Scope.
  • Action Plan.
  • Conclusion.
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