Business internet legal issues research report

Prompt; A friend of yours owns a company that pumps concrete. New hires are put through a two-week training program. As part of the training program, the instruction includes PowerPoint presentations, videos, hands-on instruction, a notebook that provides guidance, instruction and test materials for each new hire, as well as instructional handouts. Your friend mentions that some of the instructional materials use photos found on the Internet and goes on to note that the instructional materials contain some great ideas that he developed about pumping concrete. However, your friend is concerned because a significant number of the new employees quit immediately after completing the training program to go to work for competitors or start their own company. Your friend has asked you if there is anything that can be done to address this issue, as well as how to prevent competitors from using the ideas that he has developed.

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The research papers must be not less than two (2) pages, double-spaced. A hard copy of the term paper is due in class on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. In addition, an electronic version of the term paper must be submitted to PRIOR TO THE START OF CLASS no later than Wednesday, May 4, 2022. The term paper will be submitted to through Titanium. Information on submitting the term paper to will be provided in class. NOTE: A paper that is not timely submitted either in class or to will receive ZERO (0) points.

The following rules apply to the term paper.

Writing ability, including vocabulary, grammar and spelling will affect the grade;

The student must have used spell- and grammar-check;

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The term paper must be written at a level and quality that is appropriate for an upper division student

The term paper must address the topic with substantial original student thought and minimal cited material;

The paper must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper;

Student’s name;

The paper must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement;

The term paper must be properly cited with a reasonable number of citations. Papers that have a substantial amount of material that is quoted or paraphrased will receive a significantly lower grade. Students must be thoroughly familiar with CSUF’s website, “Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism: How to Write an Effective Research Paper.” This document may be found at “” under “Judicial Affairs.” The use of plagiarized material by a student is a serious offense that may result in a lower grade or even a failing grade for the course.

The term paper must end with a conclusion that reaffirms the original thesis.

The term paper must include a separate reference page.

Do not cite a textbook, either ours or another; Do not cite a newspaper, magazine or other similar source (such as CNN); Do not use Wikipedia or ‘Lectric Library.

Do cite journals (if you are not certain about a particular journal, please ask me) and cases. Note: The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper and NOT a journal.

(some ideas that help with paper topics; copy right, patents, and trade secrets)

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