
The Buying Process

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Every product or service has a buying process, even digital products and services. In this assignment, you will research and analyze the buying process for an online product or service, with which you (as a consumer) are familiar, from a business point of view.

Begin by researching an online consumer product or service (such as an e-Book from the Kindle store or a movie from the iTunes store). Choose an online product or service with which you are familiar and have purchased in the past.

Next, write a report to evaluate its buying process from the marketer’s point of view using the five stages of the buying decision process.

Remember, the five stages are as follows:

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  1. Problem recognition
  2. Search and determination of alternatives
  3. Evaluation of alternatives
  4. Purchase decision
  5. Post-purchase evaluation

Note: Use the grading criteria for this assignment to guide your report. Be sure to include these details within your evaluation to support your ideas.

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