business 101

1.  Robert Hopkins is the supervisor of an Everett-based manufacturing company. He arrived at his office early one morning and was drawing up new plans to reorganize the office. He overheard a conversation between several of his employees.

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“Don’t worry, Mary. It doesn’t matter if you were late. You know Robert never shows up before 10:00 at least. What could he say to you for being late when he always is?”  That’s him for sure. Constantly pushing us but he spends all of his time reading the paper and hiding in that hole called an office of his. But his motto to us is ‘Do as I say, not as I do.'”  Robert said nothing when he heard this.

Do you think Robert should have said something to his employees? In your opinion, what rules of good executive conduct has Robert violated to lose the respect of his employees? What can he do to rectify this situation?


2. You own a small cosmetics distributorship in North Everett. Several months ago you hired a new employee to basically “run the show.” During the first 3 months of his employment with you, he was a model employee. However, recently you noticed him leaving during the lunch hour and returning with alcohol on his breath. Customers have expressed concerns regarding his “change in behavior.” He’s 40 years of age and the sole wage earner for his family. It’s been very difficult to find qualified and trustworthy people to fill the position in the past especially since it is a relatively low paying job.  The company HR handbook states: “The possession, sale or use of mood-altering substances in the workplace, or coming to work under the influence of such substances shall be a violation of safe work practices and will be subject to disciplinary action including possible dismissal.” Armed with these facts, give at least two possible solutions to the problem. Which solution would you choose and why?

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answer 6-7 sentences for each question

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