
Why are institutional investors important in today’s business world?

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For each forum assignment, you are responsible for the following:

1. Submit an essay (at least 250 words) – posting it inside the forum for feedback and comments by your classmates.


Forum Requirements

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Quality Guidelines (50%)

· All discussion questions are answered completely.
· Responses are original in content with a minimum of one reference, not including the text.
· All posts demonstrate analysis of the topic.
· Responses to classmates are significant and advanced the discussion.

Participation Guidelines (30%)

· Main response is posted by Day 3.
· Main response is no less than 250 words.
· Reply to at least two classmates by Day 7.
· Responses to classmates are at least 100 words.

Clarity, Organization & Professionalism Guidelines (20%)

· Responses are organized and logical.
· No spelling or grammatical errors.
· References are used and cited properly.
· Appropriate language, respect and consideration toward peers/instructor.

Define globalization; include the impact it has for organizations and managers. Include the pros and cons of globalization for business.


Submit your Forum Post 1 initial post by midnight, Day 7. Two replies due by midnight, Day 7.

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