BUS 2023 Business Communication week 5 Assignment 3: Organization of Data

Assignment 3: Organization of Data

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Demonstrate how you would organize enormous amounts of data and select and use only that which is germane while eliminating that which is not.

You are to write a report regarding the presence of women and certain minorities in specific occupations in the United States. Discuss the trend from the data supplied at the

 Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site


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This is a comparative of gender, African American, White, and Hispanic/Latino workers in specific occupations from the years 2010 to 2011. Choose several different types of occupations. Choose some that are service/white collar oriented, and some that are manufacturing/blue collar oriented. Prepare tables and graphs to present the information that is important to your particular discussion.

Write a report of 300 to 500 words that discusses these trends, and what it means for the cultural diversification of the workforce in the particular occupational areas you have chosen. Use the appropriate computer tools to insert at least two different types of graphics of your own creation into your report. You may use pie charts, line graphs, bar graphs, and/or tables to graphically present your data.

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